
Monday, December 24, 2012

Doctor Who Dreams.

Woke up from two Doctor Who dreams this morning that I only remember bits and pieces or ideas from. Both dreams featured my beloved 10th Doctor.

1) There was a fake Doctor that was trying to trap the real Doctor in a parallel world. There was a fake Amy that was controlling these make-shift Daleks, to try and back the real Doctor up into one of those lifts with the metal gate. There was a weird switching of TARDIS doors and these lift gates. Finally, one of the Doctors (I don't remember if it was the real one or the fake one), flew off into space in a "TARDIS" that was just this lift with the metal gates on all sides.

2) The Doctor was helping Martha into a car, but time kept skipping. First, the Doctor was simply helping her into the car. He was in the middle of closing the door, and there was a skip. The Doctor was still closing the car door, but you see Martha sitting in the seat looking a bit tousled like she just got in a fight. And the Doctor jokingly said, "Must have been a fun night." Then another skip. The Doctor is just finishing up closing the door, but Martha stops the door from closing. Her face is a mess, and she's looking at the Doctor in fear.  She wanted to stop the door from closing to try and run away.

That second dream was really pretty messed up and freaky. I don't even know.

I think I can understand why I had Doctor Who dreams. Recently, the Doctor Who Fan Orchestra (which I sing in) released our latest piece -- A Christmas Carol Suite. Also, a very close friend spoiled me for Christmas with a bunch of Doctor Who things from ThinkGeek, including 10th's and 11th's sonic screwdrivers, and I've been agonizing over whether or not I should open one or both to use, or if I should keep them in their packages because they're so awesome (and I already have and use two pens, a flashlight and a keychain that are all 10th's sonic). Then, the Christmas special is coming up (and I need to convince Yubo to let me get it on iTunes so we can watch it). So obviously, Doctor Who has taken up a lot of my thoughts lately..... more so than usual. But that certainly doesn't explain the actual content of the dreams. But I've been watching some pretty messed up anime lately too, so that might be why.

Anyway, just thought I'd jot those down.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Issues Resurfacing

No specific dreams, but two in a row involving Yubo "failing" me.

Last week was very stressful for a number of reasons. The weekend was worse. So on the one hand, I'm not surprised that I had these dreams. On the other hand, I think they go deeper and I don't know what they're *really* about.

  • First dream involved Yubo smoking right in front of me. I threw a major fit, cussing and yelling (although it felt constrained, like when you try to run or punch in a dream but your legs are heavy and your fist is weak and slow). He just looked at me, unaffected. He wasn't happy, sad, angry, indignant. Nothing. And when I ran off, he didn't follow me.

My interpretation of this was, it's not that I'm paranoid about his smoking (although I still am at times). I feel like I don't affect him. Part of this stems from realizing that I don't know what turns him on. That extends to not really knowing what he likes aside from gaming. ((When I want to do something nice for him, it usually involves enhancing his gaming, even though I really hate that he games so much -- for instance, I just bought him a charging station for his XBox controllers.)) And I can trace that back to feelings I've had before that we're really just leading very separate lives, and we've been separate for so long that we simply don't know each other anymore. And what we do know is very vague and surface.

  • The second dream was this morning. We were out with friends or something, and ended up watching a movie that kept us out late. Upon exiting the theater or something, he wasn't with me. I tried calling him, and he never answered his phone. I just couldn't find him or get a hold of him. At some point I went back to the entrance of the theater, from which he emerged looking half asleep. I yelled at him because all that searching and waiting for him kept us out even later. I was saying how I had to be up early, and did he not realize that now I would only get 2-3 hours of sleep. Again, but not as prominent, was a lack of reaction.

The obvious things are how he didn't answer his phone and how he kept me from sleep. Going a bit deeper, I would say this is a reflection of how I feel he doesn't consider me. That I'm unimportant and insignificant to him, which I do feel strongly from time to time.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Doctors and Dragons.

The Dream

There's a haunted hotel in my dream world. I was there for a moment. It's a hotel where my room is on the second floor, but I frequently get lost on the third.

The third floor is more haunted than the second, apparently. Mostly just flickering lights, though. When I find myself there -- usually because every time I try to take the elevator, it always lands me there -- I make my way towards the center of the building, where there's a small apartment, of sorts, of the caretaker in between floors. It's not exactly on the second or third floor, and it's not perfectly two levels either. So there are landings that take you that extra couple feet down or up, depending.

Frequently, there are several ladies in the living room or kitchen having tea. That's how I'm able to just let myself in. This time, I asked one of the ladies to guide me, because I so frequently get lost. She ended up taking me outside, rather than get to the second floor, which seemed the only good way to find the second floor.

But instead of actually taking me to the second floor, she took me on a tour of the area we were at. We went to many random places that didn't seem to have any connection. Finally, we ended up in this open hilly field, though it was smaller -- just like a large park... similar to Granada Park in Alhambra. But there was a beautiful lake that seemed to glow, with many small veins feeding it (or leaving it -- hard to tell).

And I said, "I know this place. I was here with him. We've been going to places that he took me."

We had walked downhill towards the water. I turned around, and at the top of the hill was the blue box, and walking towards me was my Doctor.

"Why are you here?" I exclaimed.
"In hopes you would find me," he said.

We ran to each other and embraced.

View changed. I'm watching from the outside rather than being the girl.

The Doctor slipped her into the TARDIS, to trick her, to protect her. But she ended up in there with someone else that needed to be tricked. Outside, there were two Doctors... the 10th and 11th. 10th had something in his hand that he hid behind his back, something he had to bring to this moment. Both were telling the two inside the TARDIS to not believe what was going to happen outside.

"Whatever you do, don't try to save us."

10th stabbed 11th with the syringe that was in his hand. But widening the view of the camera showed that at that same moment, someone came from behind to stab 10th with an identical syringe, right into the top of his head. It was chaos and screaming. The two ran out of the TARDIS, disobeying orders completely, and were caught in illusion. The two Doctors tried their best to reason... what the two had seen and what they were seeing wasn't real. But everything was sensory overload, and the nonsense too much.

I think I woke up, then went back to sleep.

Similar setting, this place with the glowing water. But it was winter, with snow, making the water glisten even more and look more alien. There were raised cabins near the top of this big hill. It was quite a hike to get to, but the scenery along the way made every step worth it.

It was something very similar to church camp. Yubo's parents were there. We were in free time, so the kids were playing, mostly indoors from the cold. The adult counselors were in a meeting. Yubo was in a big room with some kids, mostly teenage girls. I wanted to look at the water again, so I walked down the hill.

I got near the bottom, and was trying to get a closer look at a disk-shaped rock that had a white ring encircling a black center. As I stepped closer, I heard a growl, and that "rock" focused on me. I stepped back and looked closer at the ground around me, and nearly everything suddenly seemed alive -- the body that belonged to that eye. Frantic, I made my way back up the hill to tell the others.

I tried calling Yubo, but a pair of girls answered his phone and wouldn't let me talk to him, even though I said it was really important. Frustrated, I just finished the hike and got to the commons between the cabins. During that time, I tried searching the net on my phone to see if there were stories or rumors of this part of Japan (apparently we were in Japan) being on the back of a monster or dragon. Results were hard to find as I couldn't remember the name of this location. I actually really didn't know where we were, except that it was part of Japan.

All the counselors were outside, paired up and praying for each other. Some were in terrible moods, crying and huddled on themselves. Someone had lost somebody in their life, and was mourning. Pastor Wayne was with this person, so I sought out Yubo's mom instead. She's not in charge, but she'd believe me, I thought.

By the time I reached her, most of the counselors were done praying. I jumped onto a banister, crouching as I asked the attention of all the counselors. When I told them what I discovered, nearly all of them just started laughing and walking away. I didn't have any evidence, especially since I wasn't able to find any stories/rumors/legends.

The trip ended peacefully. But I was carrying a glass cylinder with a rock in it. It was lumpy like lava before it's cooled, but burnt black in color. It had a white and black spot on one end, like the "rock" I discovered at the base of the hill.

The glass wasn't much bigger than my hand... perhaps the diameter of a standard petri dish, and just taller. But as I showed Yubo the rock, pointing my finger at that spot, it reacted, the head of this little dragon lifting to meet my finger through the glass. And somehow there was my proof as we boarded the plane that the hill we were camping at was a dragon.

My Thoughts

The location of Japan is probably because I was looking into what resorts we have through our timeshare right before I went to bed. The confusion of actual location is because as I was searching for resorts, I really didn't know where they were, so couldn't settle to choose one even to look at.

The Doctors were there because I've been re-watching episodes. NO IDEA about those syringes though. There was also some weird thing about kissing in all that nonsense, but I couldn't remember enough to include it.

The water is perhaps from waking up at 4:00am parched, and finishing up the water we had in the fridge. I kept reminding myself that I'll need to go buy more water as I returned to bed. Dunno about how it looked though -- truly magnificent.

I'm still intrigued by my dream world... the buildings and places that are the same every time I dream them. I'm also entertained by my dreams that play out like movies. Like when I say the camera panned out, it really was like a camera moving back/zooming out in a movie scene. It makes me wonder what dreams were like before television and movies.