
Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 3, 2010

The Dream
Dreamt that Yubo and I were trying to get somewhere. Were at something like a castle, but it was supposed to be a church. It was nearly overrun by weird creatures. For some reason, we kept going into rooms
that were dark. We held hands tight as we tried to navigate through the dark. We'd find a light switch and see a creature in the room after turning the light on. So we'd run into another dark room. At some point, we couldn't find how to get out if the castle/church. I was getting increasingly scared and frantic. Yubo was getting frantic too. We finally got outside. I told him that we need to stop going into places when they're dark. Otherwise we keep turning on lights and leaving them on, defeating the purpose of people turning the lights off in the first place.

Then we got to my parents' house. We were going to have a second wedding. I wanted to do my hair differently, so I was working on that. My mom was trying to rush me, but I was determined to do this hairstyle. Don't know what Yubo was doing -- playing a game, I think. I told him people were waiting for us. It was about 10am already. I wasn't too concerned about making them wait though.

When I went to check on my parents, they had gone back to sleep. So I relaxed even more and told Yubo we could take our time.

My Thoughts
One of those dreams where you think, "Man. Freud would have a field day."

So there's the thing about Yubo and I entering the darkness hand in hand. Doesn't put us in a great position, but then we turn the light on in each dark space. So it's not like we're dwelling in darkness. However, we both run from the "monsters" that are revealed. I'd say this is something about how we're not really dealing with issues that we should be. It's not that we're ignoring them, because we're "shedding light on them," but we don't do anything further.

The second wedding is interesting because I was so relaxed about it. I wasn't too stressed. I just wanted to do this cute hairstyle. I wasn't bothered that Yubo was playing a game. It was something close to that "Let's just get this over with" feeling that I had with our actual wedding, minus the stress and drama.

What's funny about that, though, is Yubo is usually a big jerk in my dreams. More often than not, he's doing something to irritate me, piss me off, or hurt me. So it was really nice to have a dream where we were on the same side for once. 

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