
Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11, 2010

The Dream
At Keppel, but the hallways were much larger, more like the halls of a mall. It was the end of the school year, my final year, and I had to clean out my lockers. Yeah... plural. I had three. But I could only remember the combination for one. There was a rough looking guy sitting right next to the bottom locker, the one I remembered the combo for. He kept glancing over, so as I turned the knob, I covered it with my palm so he couldn't see the numbers. I couldn't see the numbers either but just waited to feel it click, hoping I got the numbers right. I did, and it opened. I rifled through loose papers, and books with shopping bag and calendar covers that were decorated in my handwriting to identify which book was which. I ended up just reorganizing the locker, leaving everything in there.

Then I met up with a few people at the door leading to the east gate. This was where it was very spacious, like it was designed to allow people to wait and linger. It was either Yubo or Johnny that had his arms around me -- I think it might have been both, turning into each other throughout this part of the dream. As I cuddled up to him, I was on the phone with Wakko. Then the call cut out and it was Chung on the other line. It seemed they both wanted to see me off, so were trying to figure out where I was.

Everyone left and I was alone in a hallway that had cafeteria tables, although it was more like what you would see at a food court, with loose chairs. I was sitting at a table minding my own business. Some sort of mecha anime club was meeting in a classroom not far from me. One person actually walked out of the room in a blue mecha suit, and upon seeing it, I thought it was entirely normal.

My Thoughts
Whenever I dream of having a boyfriend, it's usually either Yubo or Johnny. About half the time, the shift into each other like they did in this dream. Out of all my ex's to be in my dreams, I wonder why it's Johnny. Nothing against it. LoL. But even for a high school bf, I figured it would be Koji instead of Johnny. Well.... I do still have how long we were together engraved in my mind: 2 years, 3 months, 5 days. And he's been in my life the longest since we grew up together. And I could say he was nearly my first love.

I remember when we would rollerblade together around his house, I would get jealous when he paid my sister more attention. And I would have fantasies that our parents would arrange a marriage between us.

\(^▽^)/ Hahahahaha~! Ah... youth.

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