
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 27, 2011

The Dream
We were vacationing on some island. We went into this resort, but when we got there, they made us switch partners. I ended up with this pretty blonde woman; I don’t know who Yubo ended up with. So I had to act like I liked women too so we wouldn’t get kicked out. At one point, we all gathered in the lobby. I stayed by my new partner. For some reason, most of us were naked. She and I held hands, trying to be convincing of our new couple status. When Yubo came into the lobby, I was relieved when he spotted us and came over to stand by us. He stood very close to me so we could hold hands secretly, but the girl I was with suspected, and pulled me closer to her. I was still close to Yubo, but not close enough to hold hands without being caught anymore. So I played lovey-dovey with her, even though I could see Yubo’s hurt face; he couldn’t hide it.

At some point, the “meeting” ended. Everyone was filing out, but my partner and I got lost. There were so many people, but there were also so many stairs. We didn’t know how to get out of the resort. At that moment, we had to get out of the resort before dark. Didn’t know why, but we just had to. So we started running. We finally had clothes on now. My partner said something about having to go back to our room so she could get cash. I told her we didn’t have time. We passed by an ATM, and she wanted to stop. I begged her to keep going, reminding her that we had to get outside before dark. I grabbed her hand and started running again.

Stairs weren’t taking us where they should have. Escalators weren’t matching the stairs that were next to them. We tried following people, assuming that they also knew they had to get outside, but it wasn’t happening.

Eventually, we found the right set of stairs – just four levels down – and we made it outside. When we got outside and looked back up at the resort, my partner saw a window open at a corner of the second level. Worried that someone was left behind, she ran right back into the resort. Ugh! I followed her.
Running down the hall, I noticed that several doors were missing. But there were some gaps – holes cut out into the walls. I saw that the doors had been painted and wallpapered over. We reached the end of the hall to the room that should have had the window open. There was still a door. We knocked, but no one answered. I managed to get my partner to run back out with me.

The scene switched to the inside of the room. It’s so cramped in there; it’s almost like a closet. Rose Tyler was hiding in there. At the door, someone knocked. Then these clamps started snapping away at the door. Rose’s ridiculous curiosity drew her to open the door even as it was being attacked, and she screamed at the sight of these fish monsters. Humanoid bodies with sharp claw-like clamps for hands, topped with large fish heads. She struggled to shut the door again. Through her struggle, smaller, more delicate clamps made their way through and pierced the attacking fish hands. The Doctor! Rose’s unspoken relief.

The Doctor opened the door, revealing that it was just him now. He smiled at Rose, grabbed her hand, and they were off down the hallway.

Another weird switch happened. They reached the end of the hallway where there was a stairwell. Standing in the stairwell was another Doctor, carrying an unconscious Rose in his arms. He told the current Doctor that he would take care of her, and gave some warning about locking the car door. As the current Doctor ran off, the other Doctor called back to him. He tossed him a soft leather-bound book, saying that he probably shouldn’t be doing that. The current Doctor caught it with a smile, and both continued on their ways.
The Doctor reached the garage and found his car. He hurried in, but wasn’t quick enough to lock the door. Here, we got some insight about the monsters. They’re fish, and they use lures to capture humans – using what their prey desires. For the Doctor, a Rose appeared in the passenger seat. Then it was like a hallucination trip. The Doctor fought it, driving around crazily. He kept his finger on the lock switch, waiting for the moment when the fake Rose would tumble out of the car from his ridiculous driving.
He swirled out of the parking structure and tumbled out of the car himself. Don’t know what happened to the car. It disappeared as we went into this next scene.

The Doctor stood there in a large empty space right outside the parking structure. Looking across a large puddle, he saw a very strange looking Rose. She approached him with feigned familiarity. He held her back with his screwdriver, and she hesitated, trying to figure out what to say that could convince him that she was his Rose. But nothing came to mind – they didn’t have access to enough memories.

So the fish monsters revealed themselves from just behind “Rose.” They said something about a vibrating device the Doctor had on his back. The Doctor started shaking, and the book that the other Doctor gave him flew from behind his coat and fell to the floor. It was a diary – the Doctor’s diary. With that, the fish monsters would have full access to the Doctor’s past, and this current Doctor’s future since it came from that other Doctor, who happened to be a future regeneration.

The Doctor retrieved the diary and skimmed through it. He flipped to the back to see what was going to happen, and to see if Rose had survived. As he flipped through more pages, we saw sketches of other regenerations. Whatever he saw made sense to him, but just looked a confusing mess to us.

Don’t know if what he saw was satisfactory, or if he was able to defeat the fish monsters, because I woke up.

My Thoughts
Sorry this dream might be kind of confusing. I just c/p'd from what I typed out quickly soon after I woke up. I will go back through and edit things so it makes more sense. Very awesome to have a Dr.Who dream though. Of course, David Tennant was my Doctor, and Rose was played by Billie Piper.
Also, the fish monsters were based off of a sketch I can still see in my memory, but can't seem to find the picture. Found this that is similar though.

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