
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

December 9, 2010

The Dream
Dreamt I was getting married, but it wasn't to Yubo. I was upstairs getting ready reluctantly. I finally got into my gown. I jumped down the stairs, and ran around the corner into a small bathroom. There were two little girls in there with a kitten. I said something strange about checking to make sure the kitten hadn't peed on anything. Then I went into another room, where Ellie and Tifa rushed in. I grabbed Tifa, and shooed them both out the door.

Then out to another room where I knew there were a bunch of girls that I hated and that hated me. I kept wondering why they had come. I said something bitchy to them, then finally braved going out.

Found my mom at a table sitting across from a guy that I assumed to be my fiancé but wasn't sure. I just talked with my mom with my arms wrapped around her from behind. At some point, she moved to sit next to this guy so I could take the seat across from him. It wasn't until he commented on how I looked that I confirmed he was my fiancé. But he said, "You look really good... and expensive." I told him I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

He got some soup on his right cuff. I helped him clean it off so that it wouldn't stain. Also cooled off his hand with cold water: napkin and water we had on the table.

It was strange holding his hand. He was reacting like it was the first time we'd actually touched.

Then we had to go to the reception. I wondered how we would sit. I was thinking of sitting across from him again, then having Yubo sit next to me. The image of holding Yubo's hand under the table as I sat across from my fiancé (husband?) flashed into my mind, and I realized that would be too risky and just wrong.

My Thoughts
I can't help but be ridiculously amused by this dream. I tell everyone that cares to know about our whole cheating thing. It's just funny to have had it almost happen in a dream. Don't really have any other thoughts on this. 

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