
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sun, Jul. 30th, 2006, 11:23 am

The Dream
I was online chatting with Neko, and he IMed me that he found an entry that Lana had posted. Sent me the link, and I went to her journal (even though I have no idea what her journal is, though I know she has one).
I only remember a few lines that I read:

"I hate her for taking away the trust we had with each other."

"I feel like she's a replacement to fill the space I left behind...."

"....because (or since??) I found a new boyfriend."


I also had a dream about this toothbrush that soaks up the toothpaste from the bristles into the handle, so when you're brushing, you squeeze the handle to get more toothpaste onto the brush.

I think that's the second or third toothbrush dream I've ever had. I wonder what's up with that. LoL.

My Thoughts
I think this was the beginning of the string of dreams I had that involved Neko. I'm not certain because my memory by time line isn't great, but perhaps it was around this time that things were getting especially tense with Yubo. Through that tension, I started developing feelings for Neko who was there supporting me even though we were so far away from each other. It's a dangerous thing to be attracted to a long-time friend in the midst of an unhealthy relationship.

I think this dream represented how I really wanted to help fill any void in Neko's life. I dunno... two friends deeply hurt by the ones they loved turn to each other for comfort, or some dime store novel plot like that. Not to say that our attraction to each other was cheap and cheesy, but more that the emotions I remember from the dream were quite so.

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