
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thu, Nov. 30th, 2006, 11:39 am

The Dream
Mi-chan was over, just hanging out. Somehow, I was lying back on my bed, and she was resting on top of me, but she was my cat. And I thought it was really cute so I tried to take a picture of it. Then she wanted a more "exciting" picture, so she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out towards me. I laughed, and did the same, but then our tongues touched and she freaked out. Then started explaining something about how she didn't know why she did that something something wanted attention. I told her something about how I understood.. something something.. Asian families tend to make you like that unless your parents are totally white-washed... like the Noboris. o.0 But I guess they kinda are.. ^^;;
So we got up to leave the apartment. I was saying something about the snow, but it was raining hard instead. But the rain was warm. And it was falling horizontally.. er.. so I guess it wasn't falling... But I said something like, "It's like Hawaii rain. I love Hawaii rain!" because of it being warm. And I held my hand up like you do to let someone punch it, and the rain was hitting my hand, but not really my face. I wanted to get my camera to take a picture, so I tried running back to the apartment, but there were a bunch of potholes everywhere that filled with water and mud. I kept slipping, and realized that we'd gone farther away from the house than I'd thought. Suddenly there was a visible gust of wind, and I had to brace myself against a fence. A big whoosh of water flowed towards us, but when it got to us, it wasn't so bad. I did climb the fence a bit, though, because I saw more coming. When you looked towards the horizon, waves rose up and up. They came crashing down like at the beach, except the water actually flowed around us and stayed. It didn't really draw back. I was looking out over the water, clinging to the fence, screaming her name. I couldn't see her. The bag she was carrying with her stuff in it was floating around, all the contents scattered in the water. For some reason, the Tofu plushie I got that I put the 'S' hat on (my mom sent me a cap with an 'S' on the front to give to Yubo) floated over to me. I grabbed it, and all the other stuff floated to me. I grabbed the big bag she was carrying and tried to stuff everything back in. Then I saw her head break surface, and I kept screaming for her. I kept thinking I wanted to jump in and save her, but I knew I couldn't swim. And then I think the dream ended.

Then I was just sitting around before I was transported to another world.. parallel or something. It was me and three others. We had to complete a mission or we couldn't get out. We found a place that had our names on the mail box, so we figured this was the living arrangement set up for us. I remember catching a glimpse of a display case that had a poster of school dates and my name on it.. it was like my schedule of classes that I was supposed to take.. to go to school in this world and pretend like we belonged. We rushed up to find our room, but for some reason, no one cared to look at what number our room was.. just that it was in this building. So we went up three flights, didn't see anything promising, went down a flight and went through a door. It led into a library, and we met up with a bunch of people. We sat there and chatted at a lounge area.. couches and a coffee table.. and the couches were filled with people sitting shoulder to shoulder. Then someone brought out some demo CDs of their band or something, and passed them out. Then a small group of girls came up and brought out their demo CD to pass out, though it was $.80. Everyone was jumping over themselves and yelling to try to get one. I hushed them, reminding them that we were in a library. I could hear the murmurs of how we were disrupting the work at other tables. Yubo grabbed one, and said he paid for it already. For some reason I was bothered that he bought something like this without passing it by me first, but I gave in and bought my own. I dug into my wallet and fished out a bunch of dimes, and for some reason, it was hard to count out 8. I had to do it a couple of times, but finally managed.
When they left with their money collected, us at the table started talking again. Something about Mary Kay, and that other than me, there were two more that the group knew. So everyone was kinda torn between who to go to for their MK needs. Although the group didn't know I was a consultant until I told them.
And I don't remember much after that.

My Thoughts
I suspect the Mi-chan in this dream is my friend Lisa, and not Yubo's younger cousin. I seem to also have a few very memorable flood dreams, although this isn't one of them.

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