
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thu, Aug. 17th, 2006, 01:42 pm

The Dream
I just woke up from a dream about a dance class and Neko. The dance class was at Fullerton. Most of the classes I dream about are there. It was a beginner ballet class. That instructor I saw that I didn't get a good impression of was there. She was leading us through ballet warm-ups that didn't make a whole lot of sense. I hung in the back of the class. I knew I would be good at it, though. Finally, I decided to go to the front line and join in. However, my form was HORRIBLE. And I was wondering what was wrong with me.
We went over the routine, which had nothing to do with ballet. The routine was pretty stupid, and for whatever reason, I couldn't remember it. Neither could anyone else in the class. Then we split the class and practiced in smaller groups. When my group wasn't up, I hung around the side of the class. Neko came up to me (but he actually wasn't Neko at the time). He wanted to practice on our own, and I thought he wanted to go over a basic swing step (so I think it was Eric? cuz I had him show me what he learned in a swing class once), so I started to, but instead, he took my other hand (the one that's held out, because the other was already on his shoulder) and put it around his neck. So we were kinda high-school-slow-dance position, but we were dancing kinda upbeat and smiling and laughing and having lots of fun.
Then he walked me out of the class to the wall to the left of the door. And he pressed me against the wall (what's with me and these scenarios??) and held me. Jessica, that short girl at Fullerton that was OCD about time and took a liking to me the first time we met, walked by and asked if Neko was my boyfriend. I told her, "No, my boyfriend's at work right now" or something like that. And she tsk'ed us, and mimed pulling us apart. But then she left, and we held each other closer, and I wanted to kiss his neck, but I can't remember if I actually did.
Suddenly I was back in the class and we were being tested on the routine. Instead of taking it seriously, most of us just improv'ed it because no one knew what the hell they were doing.
So there was that one.

I've been having a few dreams about parking structures. Different scenarios for why I'm there, but the parking structures are pretty much always the same. And it's usually just me trying to either find parking, or trying to drive out. And it's always really cramped and windy, and it's quite a task just to get down to the exit.

My Thoughts
Um.... I honestly don't really have any thoughts or insight about this one. I really do hate not being able to do in dreams what I know I can do irl, though. This goes along with all the dreams of not knowing my lines, not remembering the song, and this not being able to dance.

And I can make a huge stretch about the parking structures representing some sort of feeling of confinement and my inability to escape........ perhaps.

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