
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thu, Jan. 18th, 2007, 02:18 pm

The Dream
A bunch of us were on the front lawn of some big college place. Looked like the front lawn of Keppel, but slightly different. Anyway, there was a big gathering of all our friends.. er.. all other people's friends because I didn't know most of them... and I was walking around with Annie Tse and Leeroy, talking about some issues Annie was having and trying to give her advice. So we walked around to a hallway or something, and someone was calling Annie and she tried to ignore it, but eventually turned around. This person, forgot who it was, told Annie that she had to go do an interview for some newspaper. So Leeroy and I teased her about being all popular and important. She ran off to the interview, and we kept walking. Our hands brushed, and I actually took his hand. My hand was on top though. I note it because that's weird to me. I never do that with a guy. Anyway, took his hand. Thought it'd be okai since I consider him a brother. We walked through these glass double-doors and the floor was really slippery for some reason. People were slipping and falling, or skating and having fun. I slipped a little bit, but Leeroy kept my hand and held me up. Then we skated through. Some frat boys, friends of his, started teasing him about me. He tried to get me to spin and have fun (with one hand gripping mine and the other trying to lift me from my butt o.0;;), but we were already on regular floor. We kept walking through this lounge place, and I wrapped his arms around my waist as we walked through the door that lead outside. I kept thinking it would've been nice if I didn't consider him a brother.
We walked back to our group and let go of each other. I think in the dream, I was still with Johnny, and I didn't want him to see me in Leeroy's arm. When we got there, a lot of people were gone. I asked why they couldn't compress closer to the door so we wouldn't have had to walk so far. Wakko said something about them trying but it didn't work. Then I saw a line of girls, 7 or 9 of them. Half were dressed in white fabric all twisted up like college attempts at Greek fashion, and the other half in Tahitian grass skirts that came up to their armpits and huge banana leaf headdresses. They were attempting a Tahitian dance in front of a long line of other women. I spotted my sister as one of the "Greek" ones. They started shaking their hips, and I told the people around me how hard that really is. Then the long line of girls started chasing the 7 or 9 pledges, and I sighed disapprovingly that my sister was trying out for a sorority again. I noted that she never met good people in those things.
I believe I woke up after that, feeling rather confused.

My Thoughts
I don't know if I've had Leeroy in a dream before this, but just in case, I'll clarify who he is. His real name is Jeff, and I do consider him a godbrother of sorts. We were really close towards the end of high school, but don't really make much effort to keep in touch nowadays.

I also don't think my sister was ever in a sorority. Maybe she was in Shoshoni in high school???? I don't know if that's true. As far as I know, she never did that kind of stuff outside being in show choir.

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