
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thu, Jun. 29th, 2006, 03:24 pm

The Dream
I had two of them.

1. I was at a random cluster of houses. Archie drove up. She went towards the door, but I was over by the garage, which for whatever reason was really far from the front door. I called to her, but she didn't hear me. Finally, she walked back from the door and saw me. I brought out the color palette of eyeshadows for her. She said she didn't think they were gonna be regular powder ones. Said she liked the creamy liquid ones better. I told her something like, if you add water to it before you apply it, it gives it a similar consistency. She shrugged and said she'd try it out. I asked her not to use to much of what was there because it's what I use to show my customers or something. Close-up of her eyes and the colors she was applying. A kind of dark gold color to accent a brown she put on first.

Then I walked off to look for the Eyescicles colors that I had. I think those actually have that creaminess to them. There are four colors, and they were all mixed in with some lipsticks that I hadn't organized yet. Then, J was holding me from behind and wouldn't let go. I was still trying to find all the colors. Then I heard Yubo walk up. I heard him say that he was gonna hug me but I had a J on my back. ^^;; I managed to pull J off me, and then Yubo hugged me from behind. *ack*, I said, because it was difficult for me to find stuff while he was hanging on me. J, for some reason, stayed right next to us even though Yubo was there. I was frustrated because I found three colors, and couldn't find that last one. So Yubo tried to help me look for it.

That's all I remember of that one.

2. I was in and out of my body. Sometimes I saw from outside what was going on, and other times, I was right in the situation. It was like an anime or a video game. And the me in this dream isn't really me. Doesn't look like me or anything. I'll describe later.

I watched myself run down a hall. It was kinda dark and a little narrow. Along the walls were etchings... pictures carved in for decoration. But as I walked past, they would glow white and come out of the wall to attack me. I fought. I had a spear of some sort. Kinda like a Chinese staff spear.. but the end was flat and blunt on top, and the bottom was rounded where it was sharp. I wish I had a scanner so I could draw it and upload pictures.. @.@;; I'm so bad at describing things.

Anyway.. I finally decided to sprint to the end of the hall and try to fight them all at once. There was a room at the end of the hall. If you were standing in the doorway facing forward, the wall in front was like a bit altar display thing. And the whole room was red. Then I turned the corner to my left, and on the wall in front of me was a button that I hit with the bottom of the staff. This caused the altar to blaze up, and most of my pursuers got caught in the fire.

There was another passageway to my left. It was all dark and black. I ran down it, and along the wall on my right were door flaps. It was like a haunted fun house type thing. If you went into an open flap, when you closed it behind you, it made the wall look solid. Then there was a little room that you could wait in and look through a peek hole, so you could jump out and scare people. Or whatever. So I ran into one to hide, but it didn't close right behind me. So a guy ran in after me, and I hit him and ran out. I ran further down the way and there was a door on my right that opened up to a huge room. It looked like a theater. The seats went down on a slope, and ended at a big clearing of floor. There was a huge round bed at the far wall. So I ran into the room, running on the tops of the chairs (all Chinese-movie-ish). At the end, I flipped and landed on my back on the bed, and I held out the spear towards the audience (where the seats were) in a pose. I gripped the staff with my left hand, and my right held the spear part up, palm up. The people that were chasing me looked shocked, then actually started to sit in the seats.

The lights dropped, and I didn't have my spear anymore. There were two of my maids on their knees on either side of me on the bed thing, and everyone in the audience was going to hear my story.

A voice spoke out over the speakers, and the maids and I acted out silently the scene. We were all cast in blue light. I stayed lying on my back, and as the story told, I was pleading with one of the maids to let me stay here. To change my name and start a new life here. Finally, she nodded that it would be okai. I gripped her hands in mine, brought one to my face to show my gratitude. And she brought our hands back to her, and she kissed the spot where my thumb meets the rest of my hand. Then they were gone and I was alone on the bed. Overhead lights came on to illuminate a screen, where my new name was displayed. It looked like the start screen of a game. But the words on the screen said "Phantom Dome", but I think it was actually spelled "Phantoame Doame".

Lights at the foot of the bed came on. It showed an elf-like male, and a female that I guess was supposed to be me. I watched the scene quietly, and even when I closed my eyes, I saw it clearly. In the light, you saw that our skin was bluish. He was a darker blue than I was. Actually, I was an extremely pale blue... as if you'd only see the blue in the right light, or when I turned. We were king and queen of a world. I was telling him that I was bored, and that I wanted to leave somewhere. He said something like "Too bad. You know I am not in health for that." He still looked strong, but his health was actually waning. I stood up, a little angry.. and I saw from the bed what I actually looked like. I was tall, and very slender. Had really long, dark blue hair. And I was naked, with only a collar-type thing draped over my shoulders. And at first I had these HUUUGE hentai-ish boobs. But then it turned out that they were actually weird creatures from our world. When I stood, they slipped back, and my boobs were better proportioned to my body. Probably a full B-cup, maybe. (ah.. I wish that was true irl ;.;)

I think I was about to hit him, but something came flying out of the curtains and hit me in the face. Only then did you realize I was wearing a mask. A piece of it chipped and fell to the floor, revealing a portion of my right eye. I jumped away from him. I ran, and there was a railing or something that I grabbed and used to flip me up into the air, and I threw a spell at him while I was in the air. He blocked it, and flung a ball of energy or something at me. I dodged it, and when I landed, he finished casting another spell. I guess he was strong enough to be able to cast two spells at once. This spell that he finished caused a huge tsunami kind of thing to rush towards me, but I had enough time to throw up a barrier.

Yubo called and woke me up before the thing hit me.

My Thoughts
Hooray for copy/paste! I would not have wanted to re-type all of that.

Funny thing is that Archie actually really hates cream eye shadows and prefers regular powder ones.

I probably didn't draw the spear because this was typed out instead of being written down. If I wrote it in my journal, I would've drawn it like I did the koala escape plan, the slide and jungle rings, and the bra. I really am bad at describing things though. I would prefer to draw it out whenever possible. My typical response to when someone asks me to describe something is, "I can draw it for you."

Ended in such an epic dream though, right? So excited! Like a movie! What's with me and blue??

I had another dream in a similar movie theater kind of place. It involved pirates or something, and acting to make the audience think it was a play when it was actually a real threat. I mention it now in case I didn't write it down anywhere. Couldn't say any details, only that I re-dreamt this theater.

Sun, Jun. 18th, 2006, 03:36 pm

The Dream
I had a dream that I was trying to do a skin care class with these kids.. like maybe.. 13-16 years old. No, maybe even younger. Probably more 11-13. And then there were some younger kids running around the kitchen. Poor Yubo was getting frustrated with the younger ones because he was on the computer and they were bugging him.

I was doing Satin Hands on them first. There was this boy that kept asking me weird questions. Like, someone he knew had a smaller set of Satin Hands that only cost, like, $13 or something. I was trying to explain to him that maybe it was a Limited Edition item, and so it probably got discontinued already, and that we can't bring it back just because someone out there has one. He finally shut up. We went back to the table in the living room. On the way out, I walked up to Yubo and whispered in his ear "I hate kids" and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He just nodded. Then I went back to join the kids. I was about to start the class, but then I got to talking with the girl closest to me about the little kids in the kitchen. She was saying that one of the younger one was always hanging around this side of the apartments, like he doesn't have any parents, or no one knows where his parents are.

Then I saw this beautiful older girl, maybe somewhere between 16-18, walk past the window. I was wondering who she was. Then the door opened, and she came in with Johnny. In my head, I guess the girl was supposed to be Linda, but it really wasn't. Anyway, Johnny saw me, and he asked me what I was doing here. I gasped, and got up, and hugged him really long. He picked me up a bit, and pressed me against a wall, and we cried in each others shoulders because we missed each other so much.

That's what I woke up from. In my half-awake state, I remember thinking I should apologize to the kids and reschedule the class. And I remember it would've been easier to hang onto Johnny if I wrapped my legs around him, but I thought that might be inappropriate in front of the kids. ^^;;

It was a nice feeling when I woke up. Then I went back to sleep. The dream returned me to the girl I was talking to about the younger kids. I went to visit her house for some reason. I walked into the house on my own, and saw her mom. I bowed to her, and greeted her as "Mrs. Hong-san". o.0 Japanese was spinning in my head, even though I knew they were Chinese. ::shrugs:: She smiled at me, and invited me into the living room, where everyone was. It was a big family. The girl was in the far corner. I remember being a little scared because she had an awkward relationship with her dad, but he didn't make a big fuss or anything. Somewhere in there, I was explaining to them about what I did in MK and that she didn't have to buy anything from me, I was just having her try out the products, and that they're okay for sensitive skin and all that. Though actually.. now that I think on it, I don't remember saying anything. I think I was actually saying everything in my head in case they did ask me. And then I woke up from that.

I had two more dreams today, but I can't exactly remember what they were. Maybe they'll come to me later.

My Thoughts
I think it's funny when I know I had a dream, but can't remember it. It's funnier when I can say that I had a certain number of dreams, even if I don't remember them.

Whispering  to Yubo that I hate kids is very like me. It's actually not that I hate them, but I do get easily annoyed with them. When I'm not annoyed, I'm intimidated. I don't like the idea of possibly being a bad influence on them. So I like kids before or right when they're able to talk. Once they're past that point, I'd rather not have anything to do with them.

I'd only been a MK consultant for two months at this time. Sucks to have to do something so new (run a skin care class) in front of people that intimidate me the most (children).

Sun, May. 7th, 2006, 10:48 pm

The Dream
So for some reason in the past two or three days, I've been having nightmares. I only remember the main part of one and a clip of another one though.

The one I remember happened, I believe, Thursday or Friday night. I was being attacked by raptors, and they were really smart. They were trying to trap me and whoever was with me. I remember shooting at two spots because those were where the raptors were hiding for a bit. Then I was crouched in a room, aiming at the door. I was waiting for the boss raptor. He crossed by a window, and so I aimed for where his head would be when he go to the door. When he got there, my reaction was slow. Suddenly, instead of being in a room, I was in a car. I tried firing at him, but the gun wouldn't go off. Then he backed off, and hit the car with his tail. He was walking around the car, as if he was building up suspense before he really attacked me. Then his head was in the door, and I was still trying to fire at him but nothing came out.

On Saturday morning, I woke up early to make Yubo breakfast before he had to go to work. Was a really good morning, and I was feeling happy, and pleased with myself that I got to make Yubo breakfast and that he really enjoyed it. After that, I decided to sleep for a while longer. During that sleep, I woke up several times after a series of short dreams. Maybe one wasn't bad, but that one only lasted a second before I woke from it. Another one, the one I can only remember a clip of, had something to do with his mom. In my dream, I had a bad dream. When I woke up in the dream, I tried to sketch the idea. All I got were eyes and bags drawn under the eyes. Then I woke up from that.

I've been reading up on nightmares a little bit, and it says that they can be caused by stress. Gah.. every ailment I've had in the past couple of months have been due to stress. x.x;; I can't even think of what I should be stressed about. I don't NEED to get a job right now. I figured the time off would actually give me time to get myself together. It's not about Fry's anymore. And I seem to be taking about a lot of stuff on Yubo. I'll suddenly be frustrated with him, and it'll carry for the rest of the day. I try to fight it. I try to be friendly.. but it doesn't seem to work. I shut off and I don't respond to him. I want to hurt him or make him feel like a jerk when he's done nothing wrong at all. I have this constant tension in my body. It's like I want to be touched and cuddled and taken care of, but not by him. And that makes me feel even more... strained and uneasy... because he should be the one I go to.. right?

::blink:: I think the raptor dream was actually this morning. o.o... I'm really losing track of days. I didn't even take a nap today. Geez... I feel like I'm going crazy. I need a break from myself. @.@;;

My Thoughts
I decided to paste just about the entire entry from my dj instead of just cutting out the dreams, especially since I wasn't very clear except for the raptor dreams. It seems the way my mind deals with stress is still the same now as it was back then. I do feel I'm shutting myself away from Yubo again, even though it still seems like I don't have a good reason to be stressed out. The most recent demon and divorce nightmares are still troublesome... mostly because they were fairly powerful dreams.

December 7, 2005

The Dream
A cat was hatched from an egg. The family brought it to the vet to put in an incubator, which was just a big cage. In the next room, the vet was trying to figure out why a dog wasn't eating. She gave him regular dog food, which she was eating herself to taste, and he ate it. Then she found a small white packet in his food dish that was partially open. Upon examination, the vet said it was to flavor the dog food to taste like cat food. The dog food was brown. The cat food flavoring was black, so you could see where it was. The vet tried it, and spit it out in disgust. She figured this was why the dog wasn't eating.

My Thoughts
An interesting way to end the dreams of 2005. I'm not even sure how to respond to this dream. But this is also the first recorded dream up here in WA.

October 27, 2005

The Dream
In a living room with Yubo. He paused a game to look at a guide for the part where he's stuck. I hook up a system and switch channels to play my game. He gets mad at me. I get mad at him because he always gets to play his games and I never get to play mine, but I don't say anything and just sulk.

Then Neko comes over, and we're waiting for people to arrive. Godai and Wakko come next. When I turn back to the room, almost everyone's there already.

Then something about being trapped in a big square room. The walls are old clay and dirt type stuff. We're supposed to push panels and squares in the walls to get out, but if we push the wrong ones, we can die... but we don't. It just resets, like in a game with save points.

My Thoughts
If only life really had save points. LoL. Well, not really. I do still get frustrated sometimes that Yubo hogs either the television or the computer to play his games and won't let me play mine (when I'm actually in the mood to play a game instead of crying in the corner waiting for him to notice me).

Unrecorded date, but some time between 10/9/05 and 10/27/05

The Dream
In an elevator. Don't know if it's going up or down. I think it was Yubo in there with me with another girl I didn't know. She was blonde. We were exorcising a demon from her. I just held my fingers in a cross and was yelling at her that Jesus loves her and Jesus is with her and stuff like that. Something shifted under her skin. The elevator doors opened. We stepped out, but I knew the demon was still in her.

My Thoughts
Goodness gracious. What is with me and demons and exorcising? Hilarious visual of my technique though. Interesting that I wasn't a Christian yet at this time. Of course, I had the influence of Yubo and his family, but I wasn't serious about even seeking Christ at this time.

And really, what's with me and strange blonde women that I don't know??

October 9, 2005

The Dream
Choir tour again in some Vegas-type place that's also a little Hawaii. In a hotel that doesn't have locks on the door. My group was running late to meet up with the rest of the group. While I was waiting in the lobby, I realize I'm not wearing a bra. I run back up to my room. When i walk in, someone is in the shower. The entire room is cleaned up. All of my stuff is packed away and I didn't do it. It took me longer to find my bra, and when i found it, it was brand new and I had to put it together myself. The back wasn't attached, and there was a pack of different sized gel pads.
Then I couldn't find my wallet, but it was on the table. I kept getting phone calls and text messages. Pochin was calling me to come down. Text messages were about my birthday, which was in two days. Oh yeah, going through my suitcase, all my dirty clothes were mixed with my clean clothes and were folded all nice too.

Leaving the room, some random girl came out of the bathroom. I ignored her and rushed down and met up with Pochin while everyone came into the lobby from outside. I still hadn't assembled the bra.

My Thoughts
LoL. What a ridiculous design for a bra. And of course, my actual birthday is not October 11... although I suppose I can't say that the date IN the dream was the same date that I had the dream.

October 1, 2005

The Dream
Only dream I remember: Outside of a house with a bunch of people. It's my house, but it's a mix of Guardian's house and the house on Avondale. It's 7:30, I think in the morning. Akemi is supposed to be at school. There's a phone call that they're waiting for her. A truck pulls up. It's red. A guy inside, the driver, says he's supposed to take everyone to school. It doesn't make sense to me because he just has a truck and we have a lot of people. He says he was instructed to meet everyone at the condo. I tell him we all met here at my house, and give him the address 360 N Moore. He approves, then says I need to get the house ready for them. I count out 18 people, then more show up and it's 21. I get confused, so I ask them to count off again while I set up the living room. I was thinking, "Lucky we met here because San's place is too small." We were supposed to eat, and I set up plates for everyone on the floor where newspaper was laid out because we didn't have a big enough table. I offered the sofa to those who weren't comfortable on the floor. There was no food, and no one seemed to notice, and we all watched T.V.

Next dream: In a big room with A/S. It was like a classroom. I had an activity for them. I wanted them to have a friend draw their face on construction paper. Then cut out the pieces and paste it back on another piece of paper. Instead, they ended up gluing the pieces onto their own faces, and I had big fake lashes for the girls, and they had weird wigs and plastic head thingies. Ei-chan was there. So was Pochin, and for some reason, Dustin. Dustin had a squid on his head. I was yelling at the boys to stop messing around and do the activity. Then some of the girls, maybe about 7 of them, suddenly had tinsel pom-poms and where cheering for something.

My Thoughts
Oh, the days when big family dinners were laid out on top of newspaper on the floor. Well, for any meal, part of preparing the table was laying out newspaper. Asian thing?

I'm copying these straight from my notebook. When it starts off with "Only dream I remember," and follows with "Next dream," that probably means I went back to sleep after writing down the only dream I remember from the first series of dreams.

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010

The Dream
I actually can't recall too much of this dream. As soon as I woke up, I worked to to dislodge it from my mind. But I will still try to write what I remember.

Basically, Yubo hated me, wanted nothing to do with me, and after only 4 months already wanted a divorce. We fought and yelled. We tried having make-up sex, and it didn't feel good at all. He couldn't even keep it up for me. It was an enormous mess. At some point I walked away in a huff. When I returned with tears and apologies, he completely ignored me with a smile. I snapped again. Somewhere in there, something was said along the lines of my not even being good enough to be his whore. He was just happy to wash his hands of me.

Not much longer after the fight, it was a strange mix of things. Something about my needing to sign a petition of some sort because J was running for office...? But the image of Yubo kept drifting by, passing windows, walking down the street.... like he was haunting me. There was actually another guy doing the exact same thing. Can't remember who he was though. Perhaps, in the dream, another ex?

The strange thing was that I couldn't remember J's name. I recalled his middle name, but couldn't figure out what his first name was. It wasn't until I had to drive to the post office (or bank?) to drop off his paperwork that I remembered his name. Starts with a J. Duh, that should've helped me out long time ago.

In the parking lot of the post office/bank, Yubo appeared in the back seat. I turned around and hit his leg, telling him to leave me alone already. He told me he finally finished his response to my letter. He pointed in front of me to an old brown street sign that had this poem of some sort displayed on it. It made horrible sense. But it amounted to his apology to me. I think we ended up being okay in the end.

My Thoughts
The dream ended on a somewhat good note. I woke up a little perplexed. Checked the time as I always do when I wake up (it was just getting to 6am). Went to the bathroom, then got back into bed. I took the time to try and shake Yubo awake, and asked him if he would hold me. He moaned that he would, and all was fine, until I said, "Please." I don't know if the word actually made it completely out of my mouth before it turned into a sob. Thankfully the sob alerted him awake, and he quickly rolled over to hold me. I have no idea what I would have done if he didn't wake up. So I clung to him and wailed. I kept telling myself it was a dream, forcing myself to realize that he was there next to me and willing to hold and comfort me.

I eventually had to sit up and try to keep my eyes open so that I wouldn't go back to that place. I even put my glasses on. Sitting up, I kept grabbing his hand -- yes, his wedding ring is still there -- and putting a hand on his face. He thought he had died. I felt kinda bad telling him that it wasn't his epic death that was causing this reaction.

He's back to sleep now, and I'm still recovering.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15, 2010

The Dream
It started off with me needing to find a new place to live. I suppose Yubo and I weren't married yet. I had 3 options, none of which I liked. So I lied to them: I told 1 I was going to 2, 2 I was going to 3, and 3 I was staying with 1.

My lied was just about exposed when 2 came to help me move from 1 to 3, when everyone that was there to help me move thought I was going to 2. So I ended up with 2.

When we moved my stuff to her place, we sat around a dining table to talk about the situation. 2 and her husband were sitting in a large bath tub that was in the living room. They were fully clothed, and there was no water, but they were lounging like they were soaking.

Someone said we should have a barbeque on Sunday to celebrate me finding a new place to stay. The husband firmly declined. He said they don't do anything at all on Sundays. Of course, the first thing that popped into my head was, "What about going to church?" Then I realized, and mentioned to Yubo, that now we were on opposite sides of the freeway, with me being closer to church than him. If I had the car, it would be an incredible hassle to pick him up to go to church.

Then we were at some restaurant. 2 was about to leave, and I asked her what I should do since (if I ever went back to her place) I didn't have the house key. She didn't understand why I needed a key, and was just being really dumb about the whole situation. As soon as she left, everyone at the table muttered something about her under our breath.

At this restaurant, waiters came to our table bringing food. They asked who ordered what, and we told them we hadn't ordered yet. We hadn't even gotten menus yet. The main waiter, this really hot fob that unfortunately didn't speak much English, told us that although we didn't order, here was our food. So the waiters just laid out this feast before us.

There was some addition to one of the dishes that needed to be specially cooked. The main waiter asked how I wanted it cooked. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I told him I would trust him.

At some point, instead of sitting around a table, it seemed like we were sitting at a sushi bar, but there weren't any chefs right in front of us.

I think it was Dorothy on my right that leaned over and said, "That megane, I wonder why she isn't working." I tried to look for who she was talking about, but there were 5 other people that were wearing glasses. She finally pointed out this girl that was talking to a young man, flirting instead of working. I told Dorothy I had trouble figuring out who she was talking about, and she laughed because she didn't realize there were other people wearing glasses.

Archie, on my left, wanted in on the joke, so I told her. Then we were trying to figure out who that girl was. We knew her, but we simply couldn't remember her name. We remembered all sorts of things about her, but couldn't remember her name. I thought it was Priscilla, but no... she was the one that gave a candle to Priscilla. Because all three of us were having such a difficult time trying to remember her name, we couldn't stop laughing.

My Thoughts
I've had many dreams where I woke up gasping, breathing hard, and/or crying. Most of those dreams involved my dad somehow. I have never had a dream where I was short of breath upon waking because I was laughing so hard in the dream. So although I woke up still feeling sleepy, I had a smile on my face.

Such a strange occurrence that I had to drag myself out of bed to write it down.

Friday, August 13, 2010

August 25, 2005

The Dream
I went to get a tattoo. I think I asked for a heart with wings. Got it on my right shoulder. For some reason, Yubo was there to help stitch. When they were done, it didn't hurt at all. It wasn't even bleeding. When I looked at it in the mirror in my room, it was an elaborate view of an island from above with a flock of birds flying away. The positions of the birds created an extended wing.

It was really vibrant with colors. When I was looking at it in the mirror, it would shift to a spot where I could see it.

I had to go take a shower so I kept trying to hide it by keeping my towel draped over my shoulders. Then there was this young blonde girl that I guess was my friend. She was so excited about the tattoo and was trying to help me find ways to cover it. I remembered I had to put something on it, but I didn't have neosporin or lotion, so I put toothpaste. Then the girl tried to help me dress.
We wanted to try to put on a play about this hilarious movie. I was the space ship. Jo-chan was the king-type that emerged from the whip in all his glory, complete with cape and small tree branches that looked like
He held one in each hand.

Flash to trying to show J the movie. I showed the wrong movie though... some fish movie that ended up being called, "Princesses [something]." There were singing fish and a random human girl and Dr.Seuss type characters, blue ones trying to take over a colorful town and make it boring and blue.

After the movie, J was trying to show me how he got to use swords in his last play, but he was all retarded about it, and very unskilled in demo-ing.
I had a banana open on a table outside. Above the banana hung a large plastic bowl with sticky paper on the inside. I was trying to catch mosquitoes.
Making out with Mark. I had to force kisses on him because he liked that, and he'd make noises. <-- such a lie cuz he doesn't make noise at all.

My Thoughts
This is probably my favorite series of dreams. Each dream happened in one night, broken up by all the times that I briefly woke up. Or a dream actually completed and a new one started. I just about forgot about the tattoo dream. When talking about dreams to other people, I usually mention that giant koala one and this Dr.Seuss one. I wonder why blue was such a negative color -- blue demons, and blue creatures trying to take over a town.

The tattoo dream was pretty awesome. I can still see the tattoo. I want to say that this was the dream where, upon looking at the tattoo, the "camera" zoomed in on the tattoo and entered it's world... so to speak.

Oftentimes, my dreams are like movies. I had another one that I can't find where I wrote it down. It was full of camera angles and character flashbacks though.

Three boyfriends in this series of dreams though... Yubo, J, and Mark. And I can't help but still find that mosquito one hilarious.

August 12, 2005

The Dream
Was on MySpace looking at Bryan's and it turned all Mexican with pictures from that damn movie that Harpo always watches. Also 909 or 949 pride, can't remember which.

My Thoughts
Um... alright then. The movie is "Blood In, Blood Out," according to Yubo. Harpo was a guy that took over the couch at Joe's (Yubo's best friend) condo down in Cali. 909 is San Bernardino. 949 is South Orange County.

August 11, 2005

The Dream
INTESNE self-bad dream. Woke up a little horny. Then went back to sleep.

Was rehearsing a play. It was like a bunch of little skits put together. Aki was my partner. We were abandoned toys. Then the show started. I realized I wasn't sure if I had all my lines memorized. Dom was playing some lady in the opening skit. All of us stayed frozen on stage. Dom's partner was this puppet-looking thing that comes out of a bubble bath. She walks around with bubbles on her boobs and crotch. Something went wrong and the bubbles fell off. I ran to help. For some reason, glued bubbles onto my cheeks. Was almost late for my skit to start. People kept asking me questions on stage. Got through the skit, but it felt like they just moved on because we didn't know our lines. Aki slumped over me like a toy, but he kept swaying and I was trying to hold still.

Before that, something about going to an Angels game with Yubo, but he wanted to sit in crap seats. I think Yubo ended up being Koji.

After, something about having to cut off a kitten's balls. o.0?? Didn't do it. A cat person girl thing walked up to me and offered me a paper and pen. I was supposed to draw a picture for her so she wouldn't forget me. I drew this weird chibi cat girl and signed it.

My Thoughts
Ugh. I hate dreams where I'm on stage and don't know what I'm doing. If it's acting, I don't know my lines or the blocking. If it's show choir, I don't know the songs, the set, the choreography. Kinda makes me glad I don't do those things anymore.... as much as I miss the stage.

The idea of people turning into other people in my dreams is still a little weird to me.

August 7, 2005

The Dream
Driving to this casino that's always in my dreams. They had the upper level parking blocked off. Had to park underground. Was annoying because they were blocking off things when people still needed to get down. For some reason, ended up driving on the sidewalk for a bit. Then was in a restaurant thing with Archie and some other people. Akemi was a waitress there. Amanda and some other people I was supposed to know, which included two guys that were crossdressing, were entertainment.

I curled up in the booth partially on top of Archie's legs and was waiting for Akemi to drape herself on top of me.

My Thoughts
Perhaps this was around the time that Ragnorok Online came out? Or got popular. Or just around the time when I learned about it. Anyhow, there's this adorable little blob monster or something. In it's honor, I created something called the "blob attack," which was simply glomping someone... but in slow motion. So it's sort of like engulfing... perhaps. Anyway, that's what I was waiting for in the dream. I was starting a blob pile.

August 6, 2005

The Dream
At the condo. Opened the fridge and there were three loaves of bread. Looked on the counter and there was another line of bread. I asked, "Why is there so much bread?" Betz was baking. He told me to touch it cuz it felt soft. He opened the oven and there was a pan of three or four, like they have at Subway. I touched one and it was soft and felt gooey but it didn't stick to my fingers. I asked him why he's baking so much, and he said, "Because it's so cool!" And we got into an argument about baking so much bread when no one's gonna eat it.

My Thoughts
I believe at this time I was still working at a Subway. Perhaps that's why the overload of bread? Also, Betz -- who is Yubo's foster brother -- was someone that I found to be quite annoying.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12, 2010

The Dream
I was in a town. We were chasing after someone that had done something wrong, apparently. I knew he was innocent. I wanted to save him, so during the chase my partner and I veered our horses off of the chase route. While everyone went down the hill, we went up. We were the leaders of the chase so we hoped that we could distract them, and get them to follow us up. We heard people call out to the others that we were going a different direction, but it seemed no one followed us. So we decided we just had to ride faster.

We ended up going up this mountain. Two young boys had followed us (we were their heroes, or something). We found the real criminal: a blue demon with wings that threw playing cards like knives. The place we ended up seemed to be his lair. He had stacks of playing cards all over the place, like planted weapons. My partner was shooting at him with arrows, but the demon had the ability to disappear. I didn’t have any weapons, so when my partner got down to his last arrow I picked up the demon’s playing cards to throw back at him. The final arrow missed, and I saw that some of the cards were getting absorbed back into the demon’s body. Just when I was about to tell the two young boys to run down the corridor to collect all of those playing cards we passed by, the demon sucked up the remaining playing cards from my hands.

Somehow, the two boys got sucked into the demon’s body as well. But that ended him. He was stalled for a while, so I took the chance to grab hold of him and try to choke him to unconsciousness. I held on for a long time, but the demon kept talking. Finally, upon some sort of agreement, the demon said he would leave the body he was possessing. When he did, the body felt much lighter… almost empty. We had somehow defeated the demon that was doing so much wrong in our town.

As we walked away, the castle that we were in started rewarding us. We got rolls of toilet paper that would replenish themselves. The rolls somehow fit on my forearm – we got so many, that was how I had to carry them. We got shoes in our sizes that would repel spiders. We received a few other things that I can’t remember clearly.

When we left the castle to go back to our town, it was suddenly like an obstacle race. We ran over a rickety wooden bridge that had a large sheet of white paper laid out. On the paper was something like a grid… like a race track on paper. The racers had stamps that they had to use on the paper. I finished the race first.

We went back to a large cabin to celebrate. When we got there, the person in charge approached me, telling me that they cake they got did not replenish. So we were completely out of cake, and not everyone had gotten a slice. I told him that I would call Francis, the witch(?) that gave us all the gifts from the castle. However, in order to call her, I had to count out coins to equal her phone number. For the area code, I took five large gold coins (that for some reason were supposedly the currency of Hawaii) to equal $5, then two dimes and a penny. The area code was 521. As I was trying to count out the rest of the phone number, my phone rang. It was Francis. She said she forgot to tell me the cake was sacred, and wouldn’t replenish itself, unlike all the other gifts she gave us. I told her that was why I was trying to call her. She didn’t get upset, but told me that I had to tell people to greet her at the bottom of the mountain every day.

It seemed like she was a ghost needing something to be fulfilled. She would spend hours at the bottom of the mountain, looking for a loved one that had left her. I asked her if the people that visit her needed to actually go up to her to greet her. I was trying to figure out what was really bothering her. I felt like she needed the people to be milling around that area so that she could search among them, and I thought that wouldn’t solve anything. I don’t remember how the phone conversation ended, but it was some emotional revelation for her.

The dream ended with a glimpse of Francis in her castle. She looked beautiful, but removing her headdress revealed a large spider web. Another lady was there. Francis asked the lady if she was scared, or if she thought Francis was ugly. The lady reached out and said Francis was beautiful, saying she wasn’t scared because of the spider-repelling shoes she was wearing. With that, Francis was happy again.

My Thoughts
This may be the first fear for me to overcome. I'm horridly arachnaphobic.
The blue demon with wings... he was kind of small and round most of the time. He seemed more like a prankster, a demon that was more mischievous than dangerous. At the end of that segment, he looked like a regular man though. So that's what happened when he left the body. The demon that left the body was a large dark blue cloud in the shape of a demon. Considering that other dream long ago with blue demons.... I wonder why demons are blue to me. Francis' clothing when she revealed herself as a spider lady, or whatever, was blue. I want to say her clothing started off a deep burgundy, or maybe a rich purple.
These crazy dreams seem to happen when I've slept for some time, wake up, then go back to sleep. I think my dreams become more complete, story-like, complex and crazy/random as I get more sleep deprived.

August 5, 2005

The Dream
Something about looking for peanut butter for my toast.  Found it, spread it on my toast, but it ended up in the peanut butter jar with me eating it with a spoon.  Let my grandfather have some.  Got a call from my dad.  He said my grandfather did something bad, and I told my grandfather in Cantonese.  Said something else, but I forgot.

My Thoughts
A quick and random dream. I think I meant that my toast ended up in the peanut butter jar.

August 4, 2005

The Dream
Big party at someone's house.  There was a track in the back for a race.  People brought anything to race: cars, animals.  Before the race, racers were to show off.  First was a pit bull-type dog.  But he ended up just chasing a ball, and wouldn't run the full track.  The race never happened.  Yubo was sitting with some people on a raised patio, drinking.  I went to him, and to keep any other girls from trying to hit on him, I straddled him and we made out.

Later, was sitting next to a door, and a white version of Pang came up to me.  Hugged me, and I waited for him to introduce me as has godsister to know it was really him.

Saw Yubo walk into a room and lie in a bed between two people as if it was normal.  I thought it would be great if I approached him for bad, but he wasn't there when I got to the bed.

Went to the restroom.  There was no toilet paper so I used a towel.  Somehow I was wearing someone else's jeans and stockings.  I took them off and put them on top of the toilet.  Someone knocked.  I called out, but just started washing my hands, and didn't rush to open the door for them, thinking they would just leave.

Flash of having to quickly kiss some guy with large fish lips for some kind of ritual or ceremony.

My Thoughts
Pang is my godbrother, nine months younger than me and very Asian.  That's why it's funny to have a white version of him in my dream.

When I said "approached him for bad," I meant sex.

P.S. I did most of this entry with Windows Speech Recognition. ^_^

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 10, 2010

I don't want to get too caught up in these old dreams that I forget this most important one that started this whole blog. So I'll share this dream before I get back to logging the remainder of my past dreams. I seem to have quite a few more from 2005 and 2006.

When thinking of dreams that are trying to tell me something, this dream will probably come up from now on.

The Dream
I dreamt that I was collecting a number of demons that I had to exorcise. I think I had to capture 12 of them. I trapped them in my garage using a bunch of wards. I left them in there to fight amongst themselves to save me the trouble of having to kill them myself. The way that I harmed them was reciting a horribly butchered John 3:16 and reading out of the Bible to them. I can easily attribute this form of "exorcism" to watching an anime called Ghosthunt.

At one point, there was a lion that slashed the neck of a tiger. The tiger was running around with blood spurting everywhere. It got all over me, and I was strangely not weirded out by that. At that moment, though, a lady came to visit the house much sooner than she was supposed to. I rushed around to get cleaned up before she could see me covered in blood.

Time passed with insignificant events, and I was left with three demons: a chicken, the lion, and one that looked like the many bishies (bishounen = pretty boy) I love from manga and anime. I had to put extra wards on the bishie so that he wouldn't escape. I was also left with a strange white wispy female figure that I can only think of as a ghost of some sort.

I woke up with the image of the wispy making me feel uneasy.

My Thoughts
I couldn't get back to sleep, so I ended up trying to calm myself with prayer, reading the Bible, listening to worship/praise songs, and talking to Yubo for a bit.

I was so tired, so I really wanted to get back to sleep without fear. I finally managed by cuddling with Tifa.

The dream in general was so troubling to me. I kept wondering what it could mean. When I was talking to Yubo, I told him I thought God was using this dream to uncover some things that I need to bring to light. Thinking in that sense, the bishie is obviously a representation of my struggle with lust. But I couldn't figure out what the chicken and the lion were. I'm also still extremely troubled by the wispy.

Going to bed last night revealed to me that the chicken may represent my fears, and the lion some sort of pride. I can't tell if the wispy is supposed to be good or bad. I think bad because I continue to have an uneasy feeling about it. It could be the ultimate representation of what I fear, perhaps. Simply thinking of it and writing about it now makes me uneasy.

Lust, pride and fear. Things that many people struggle with. Easily things that I know God wants me to work on. In my dream, the chicken was trying to escape and almost got away. I grabbed it by the neck and tossed it back into the garage.

With the chicken and the wispy ending my dream, that's probably what I should work on first? I need to trust in God and know that He is protecting me. However, protection doesn't mean keeping me in a safe bubble. So I have to face my fears head on, knowing that Jesus is beside me and supporting me. He's not there to fight my battles for me and let me take an easy road. It's tough to think about though. Even though I don't want to be in fear all the time anymore, it seems like a better idea to just stay huddled in my corner with my eyes closed and my ears covered and a cat in my arms. I know that's not true though, and I think God's really working on showing that to me.

Before, when I would pray for protection, I could imagine myself in a protective bubble and feel at ease. When I prayed and tried to visualize that this time around, I didn't feel the bubble. I can't hide anymore. I'm scared, but I really need to trust in God.... I can't rely on Yubo, not on Tifa, not on an imaginary bubble. I need God.

July 12, 2005

The Dream
Choir tour again, but it was more like a vacation. My cousins Linda, Billy and Lynn were there. The whole group was driving through a toll entrance. The lady was letting cars through like people; like first car would pay, and then she'd let four cars per lane go. Then she tried to catch up to me to give me the parking stubs for the four cars in my group, even though they weren't really in my group.

- almost got thrown from truck
- female dog trainer that trained a terrier to make dolphin sounds (not really)
- humungoid koala family
We were trying to figure out a way to get around the giant koala to save the people. This is a sketch that I drew in the dirt in my dream.

- trainer had her shirt off, had a bra tan, but a man chest
- ran up narrow staircase --> got really tired
- ended up being stairs to a slide, but couldn't slide down

- at park. guy from Yubo's church was at the monkey bar rings. he put sand on his hands and tried to stick his hands through the rings really fast.
- another one where the rings were one big ring in front followed by two smaller overlapping rings
Dream ended with sex training in a place where we had to pick a husband.

My Thoughts
The koala dream is one that I mention the most. I feel bad that I took such quick notes and never elaborated on them. There was so much that happened in the dream that I thought I could just take the notes before I forgot it all. Then I would go back, which obviously never happened. The sketches I drew are funny though.

July 11, 2005

The Dream
Another dream about tour. A lot of us forgot our show choir clothes and we were about to perform soon. None of us had cars, so I asked Tare if he could take me. He said yeah, and for some reason Yubo was there too. When we got to the hotel, I ran in and grabbed my stuff from my room. Then someone, I forgot who, came in and said both Tare and Yubo left. I ran out of the room and suddenly it was the Moore house. I asked my dad if he could take me back. He said he was too busy. For some reason Antonio was there, and he said he could take me. I got there and was dressed, but I thought, "I'm the choreographer. Why am I dressed?" I shrugged it off because Mr.A was in a vest.

Then I was in line at the market with my sister and Aunt Cindy. We were looking at lighters. On one of them, the top just popped up and lit. It was dangerous, so I got a different one. I can't remember what it was like though. Then it was like Rite Aid, and I wanted ice cream. The lady was all old and sorta scary-looking. There was a boy ahead of me that was asking for some flavor in a cone. The lady grabbed a cone and tried shaking something out of it. She looked in it, then squeezed out some ice cream that was already in it. The cone didn't break. Then she looked up at the boy and asked what flavor he wanted again. We looked at each other all grossed out, and he left. I looked back towards my sister and Aunt Cindy, and noticed that the guy at the register was Bruce.

My Thoughts
Bruce was my teacher for costumes.

I also have a lot of dreams about choir tour. You'll probably see that in later entries. When I say Mr.A (the choir director) was in a vest, that means he was in a sequined vest like the boys wear on stage. So I was in a show choir dress, sequins and all. At this time, I was already out of high school and done with show choir for about 3 years, but I stayed as a choreographer and went on tour as a chaperone. I suppose show choir was the big highlight of my high school life, so it's understandable to have so many dreams about it. I still miss it, 8 years later.

July 5, 2005

In Real Life
Last night, I got mad at Yubo because he had a cigarette on our way back from the field, and he tried to kiss me. I asked him if he rinsed and he said no, so I refused to kiss him. Then he went out to have another cigarette. So I got my stuff and walked out. He asked me to wait, and he ran into the house to rinse. Then he came back out and I gave him a peck. When he complained, I told him I was annoyed that since I didn't kiss him, he decided to smoke again. His defense was that it was going to be his last cigarette for the night.

The Dream
In my dream, we were at a restaurant like The Boat with Archie and Ivan. I was complaining to them about what happened, and Yubo was embarrassed and upset. I think in my dream I explained it exactly the way it happened.

Then we were at a place that looked like an airport terminal. On the screens they were advertising toothbrushes. One had different bristles on either side, so it was like two different toothbrushes glued back to back. Then they offered each side separately. I tried both, but tested them out while they were still in the package. Even though they scratched my gums and hurt, I still tested them like that.

My Thoughts
Because of my frustrations, I had a lot of dreams about Yubo's smoking. I'm so happy and so proud of him to be smoke-free now.

The toothbrushes remind me of when my sister and I were younger. My parents got us these toothbrushes that looked like Venus fly traps. It enabled us to brush the front and back of our teeth at once. I wonder if those are made anymore.

June 25, 2005

The Dream
Yubo and I were at this mini carnival or something. I think it was supposed to be like banquet. We got on this roller coaster thing that we pretended was exciting, but it wasn't because we've ridden it a few times before so even the loops were boring. When we got to the end of the ride, a girl was standing on her car like it was a skateboard. She said she forgot to buckle into her seat and fell out during the loop.

We got off the ride and walked up into some bleachers. At the top corner there was a group of smokers. Yubo joined them and didn't pay attention to me when I walked away.

My Thoughts
I remember that this dream was particularly upsetting at the time. I think it was the first dream I ever had of Yubo smoking. I felt this often... that he would, in a sense, abandon me in order to smoke. A cigarette was more important to him than I was. This feeling got worse as we got deeper into our relationship. Before he would be able to spend a long time with me without smoking, which helped me start dating him. Then he would leave me alone in the mall to go outside for a smoke. You might be able to understand that it really was frustrating enough to have a dream about.

Tue, Jun. 22nd, 2004, 11:46 am

The Dream
Uh... was at my house on Avondale. A lot of my dreams seem to take place there... when I'm supposed to be at my house. Anyway.. I remember sorta rummaging through the back house/garage. The inside was a little different than it really was, and it was dark. It was sort of a blend between the Avondale house and the apartment in Fullerton. But it was pretty empty. Not much furniture. And yeah.. weird darkness. I think J was there.. just sorta wandering around. Then I was suddenly in my current house.. this one on Moore. My dad was talking on the phone with someone about five cars. He was trying to get all the cars to follow each other without everyone knowing that they were following each other. Like, there was a law that prohibited.. however many cars following each other. I dunno. So he was talking about this... my sister and I trying to help. Like saying that if they allow people to merge between them, it won't be so obvious. But my dad wasn't listening to us. Then I was lying in my bed... and some version of my sister's birth certificate (it was a super simplified version and looked like one of those awards they give you in grade school) was pasted onto the window with moonlight shining through it. So it had this sorta night-like blue effect to it. And I was lying there just looking at it, with my dad still on the phone. Suddenly the lady asks about me. And it flashes to the table and all my info is on the table. I hear my dad say "Yeah, that's my daughter", but when he spells my name for the lady, he spells "F-O-O", even though the name on those papers of mine are Meyloeng... Meyleong? Gah... I don't even know how it's spelled anymore. Anyway.. I go along with it. Then she asks for my ssn. So I freak out and tell my dad not to tell her, but he gives it to her.. but then it's this weird number with a lot of 3's in it. So I sat back and wondered if that really was it, if my dad just messed up, or if he was lying to the lady.

Then I went outside.. and it was still like the Avondale house. I had to re-park the cars. I noticed that we had new people living in the main house, and it sorta mixed dream realities from the first one with J and whoever living in the back house and all the stuff with my dad on the phone. The front park of the back house suddenly had four garage stalls for cars. All of them were filled. I was awkwardly parked in front of one of them.

So I move the car. And I'm outside the gate.. and these two Chinese ladies are bugging me, trying to be all friendly-like. I manage to get rid of one of them, but the second one is following me around. I already parked my car, and I was heading over to the truck to re-park it. So she's following me to the truck, and she's got her arm around my shoulders trying to be like best buds with me, even though she's this older lady.. and I threaten her with my dagger. She doesn't back off, so I actually prick her arm. And she starts bleeding a little, and I finally get to the truck and I get it. She's waiting on the other side for me to unlock the door for her. I was totally gonna just drive off and have her just walk back to the house, but I ended up leaning over and unlocking the door, thinking to myself that I'm too nice.

And that was the dream. Thank you for reading. Haha. Later.

My Thoughts
Meyloeng (pronounced mei-lung), which is how we spell it, is my Chinese name. In Mandarin, it would be Meiling. It means "pretty bell." The dagger that I mention is a very small dagger that I used to wear as a pendant. It was actually slightly sharpened and would cut. I stole it from a friend, and I still have it. Hahaha.

Mon, Jun. 21st, 2004, 12:20 pm

The Dream
I was at this mall structure that's always the mall when I'm at the mall in my dreams. I was browsing around this fob store looking at all the cute stuff, like penguins and monkeys. Leaving the store, I had these two drinks that were sorta like the Orangena bottles.. I dunno if that's how it's spelled... and some food stuff. I walked over to this booth and set the food and drinks down. Then I sorta wandered a few steps away, just to look at things.. and there was this guy and his kid.. and they were joking around and stuff. Then the guy goes up to my stuff, picks up one of the bottles, and throws it against a wall behind the booth's worker people. So then I freak out. One, cuz it was my drink, and two, cuz he couldn't hurt someone. So I'm yelling at him and cussing at him (like, REALLY cussing at him) and hitting him but my hits are way weak. So then a crowd has formed by now. I'm making sure to make a HUGE scene. And he's yelling back at me that he's Japanese, and somehow that's supposed to make it better, so I ask a couple of things in Japanese to see if he can really speak it... but when he turns to his kid to talk to him he's speaking Cambodian. Then I sentence him to a punishment, like I actually have the power to do so. I say that first he has to go apologize to the girls behind the booth, and then... there was another thing.. and then he had to go lay down in the spillage.. which for some reason now was urine... and for some reason now I want to punish him because he peed on the booth. This is implied because one of my friends offers the punishment of being peed on. o.0

Anyway, so this is going on. Suddenly, instead of the man taking the punishment, it's my grandma. So she's walking around to the back of the booth to apologize, and I'm nodding at my dad that I'll make sure she does it. So when I go back to where she went, she's being yelled at by the worker people, who happen to be members of my family. They were, like, random aunts and stuff. So I run over to her, and before I get there, one of them smashes a glass thing on my grandma. So I get there and I'm yelling at them and cussing at them and asking why they were being all violent with her. Then I take her over to sit in a chair, asking in Cantonese if she's okai and if it hurts, and telling her to sit down. And it wasn't like I was suddenly fluent in Cantonese. I was speaking all awkward like I usually do, saying only what I know.

And then I woke up.
My Thoughts 
Goodness gracious! What kind of dream is this?? But it seems that people keep turning into other people in my dreams. Strange. I've had dreams where I was suddenly fluent in Cantonese, and then I wake up all disappointed to the reality.

Mon, Jun. 14th, 2004, 11:31 am

The Dream
I actually had a few. Let's see if I remember. For a bit of a dream, I was doing the crunch workout I was supposed to start at the beginning of this month. That was sorta weird to dream about it. I think I was sort of leading a big class of people, but at the same time, I didn't know that they were following me.

There was another dream but I forgot it.

This recent one that I just woke up with was weird. I was sleeping in a bed.. it was all dark. There were plans to go to this haunted house. I'm lying there remembering how we got the invitation. My sister had forwarded it to me, along with an apology for it. And she said that you go through it and you think you die, but a screen will pop up asking you to save, and we're supposed to click 'yes'. I asked her if I should tell my parents about it too, and she said yes. I never got around to telling them.

We got to the place. It was your typical haunted house type. Crooked, creeky, metal gate. Misty barren yard. Big BIG greyish-white house. Greyish-white cuz of the mist. We walk in with a bunch of other people. Oddly, some are dressed as maids and butlers and stuff. So we walk down a bunch of halls, and the pictures and paintings are singing, telling us a story. I zone out near the end cuz it's getting boring for me, and I'm not very scared. Sitting next to my mom wondering if she's understanding any of it. And then I wake up. Nothing really special.

I wish I remembered the other dream. There might have been something significant in it. ::sigh:: Oh well.

My Thoughts 
LoL. I'm still always bothered when I know I had a dream but can't remember it. And it's still a feeling of, "What if there was something important about it?"

Fri, Apr. 2nd, 2004, 11:18 am

The Dream
So last nite's dream was rather interesting. It took place at my old house on Avondale, although the house itself became a cross between my old house and Johnny's old house up on Hathaway.

Anyway, something about a doll named Britney that was made a broom. We wanted to save her, so we took her and hid her away... was told to lock all the doors in the house... then made another broom that really just looked like a broom but was supposed to trick the owner into thinking it was her. Anyway, the owner, some freaky old guy, catches on and tries to get her back. In order to free her, Britney and I have to perform a song better than whoever played the song before us. I was supposed to play and she was supposed to sing. So we walk out to the piano holding hands, though it's awkward cuz she is a doll and much shorter than I am... and interesting thing about it... it was made a point that I tried to hold her hand with mine on top, but she switched it even though she's smaller than me... dunno if it meant anything at all... then again, none of my dreams are making sense anymore... but anyway, we walk out and the creepy owner dude is watching us.. and then I wake up.

My Thoughts
Just thinking about dreaming of a doll frightens me. Ugh. Hate dolls.

Sat, Jan. 3rd, 2004, 08:09 pm

The Dream
Can't remember all too much about it at the moment except that it focused on lockers a great deal. Was back at Keppel and at the section of lockers that we used to hang out at in the morning. There was something about the positions of certain lockers... and something something... I dunno. Then it went over to the studio and girls' locker room. Of course, the locker room in my dream is always a lot bigger, and everything is pretty much in blue, and it feels very... awkward. But anyway... I remember getting my new combo lock for a new basket or something... but for whatever reason, instead of the usual three number combo, it was 3 sets of 3... so basically, 9 numbers. And as I was trying to unlock it, I could only get through the first three. 25-1-25. For whatever reason, the next numbers I kept missing and I had to start over and over again. This almost made me late to class... which was Ms.H's class. Archie was in there too... and Candice... and for some reason, Archie was talking to Crystal (some dance major that I worked with during Dames) about a girl that was sitting at the back of our line. Can't remember who it was though. But yeah... that was about it, that I can remember.

My Thoughts
It's helpful for me that I labeled my dream entries on my DJ, but some of these dreams.... I really wonder why I wrote about them.

Wed, Dec. 31st, 2003, 01:03 pm

The Dream
First one: A bunch of people working at a conveyer belt picking up and dropping utensils to scoop up and scrape off... flour? And I was one of them. And everyone was upset about the work. On the belt there were lots and lots of different tools. Some were like spatulas and others were like spoons or oddly shaped... bowls, I guess? I dunno how to describe it.

Second one: In a room with my dad and my youngest aunt. A few lines of chairs, and a podium or something in front. It was like a mini court room, and we were supposed to be the jury. Never got around to the case.. but yeah... jury-ness.

Third one: On the freeway. Lots of cars. It's packed. Then for whatever reason, an ad for this new way to travel during rush hour. By raft... on this raging river. More like an attraction or a ride.

Fourth one: At Ynez. At first, I'm just standing there... sorta just there. Then I see Koji. Asked me what I'm doing. I say nothing. Then suggests we go to Gamers store (that's an actual store in the dream) to kill some time. So I say yes, and he's all happy. Then we see Mi-chan who's heading this fundraiser thing... so she's got this big box of stuff to sell. She comes down to us, and [weird part] Koji comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. First it was like a hug, like, "Yay, you're gonna take me to Gamers." Then he just stayed there... like... holding me. And it wasn't anything too special, but in the dream I was like "Wow, I missed this." or something. Ah... anyway... so I decided to help Mi-chan out and buy something from her. Looked in the box and it was a few food stuff and medicine. So I decided to buy some... um... what looked like pretzel sticks. So she said, okai, and sent Taji to go get a box. But when he came back, it was the wrong thing. So Mi-chan got all mad at him. Then I went to go look for the right box... looking at bar codes and what not. For whatever reason, I was looking through different types of Ny-Quil. o.0 And there was this quiet kid sitting there, and he later ended up helping me search through all the stuff. He asked me, "So what jc are you going to?" And I replied, "Oh.. I go to Cal State Fullerton," and that was all we said to each other. Kept calling back to Mi-chan wondering what the code letters on the box were. Was, like... hmm... can't remember now. It had an L in it though. ::shrugs:: Anyway, yeah. So that was basically that dream.

My Thoughts
There are many times when I write about multiple dreams. It's because I wake up and go back to sleep several times, and each time I have a dream. Most of the time they're all separate dreams, like in these last two entries. Other times the dream will actually continue.

Sat, Sep. 6th, 2003, 01:29 pm

The Dream
I had three dreams last night. Well, technically, it was this morning cuz I didn't sleep 'til after midnight anyway. So yeah. Three dreams. Woke and wrote them down so I wouldn't forget, cuz these were some odd semi-bizarre dreams. The kind where you wake up and you're all "what the heck was I on??"
So anyway, here they are:

First one: A bunch of people and I were staying at a house. It happened to be like a cross between the house in The Shining and the house in Dolls. Yeah. I was thoroughly creeped out. Anyway, in a portion of that dream I was cutting two small sections of my hair. I took a small section on one side, measured it to the corner of my eye, cut it, and braided it. Then did the same on the other side, making sure it was even. And that was it. That was that dream.

Second one: Really short. Got out of a show or school or something like that, and headed out to the parking lot. Again, lots of people. Tare was one of them. We went to his car.. which wasn't really his car. I mean.. in the dream it was. It was this really big ugly van... worse than the A/S van. So anyway, we got there.. people loaded in.. and for some reason I wanted to drive. So he let me drive. And the van was really really difficult to drive. When I stepped on the gas pedal, it made the van go way too fast. And when I tried to step on the brakes, it was really really really REALLY hard to step on. So in the dream, I almost hit a whole lot of cars. Never did though, amazingly. Was driving on one of those freeway ramps that curve.. like the one that goes from the 57 N to the 60 W. And I started in the farthest left lane and ended up in the farthest right. Didn't hit a thing, but it was kinda scary. I was basically driving by stepping on the brakes however hard to get the car to slow down, cuz it certainly didn't need to go any faster.

Third one: At a cross between an old house and a banquet room. First portion of it was spent with me trying to find something to wear. I had on my long skirt with the super high slits on both sides, and I had a jacket on. I was looking for my new halter cuz I wanted to wear that. For some reason, couldn't find it. So I opened up the jacket and I had on this black top that was kinda meshy over a sports bra. So I was like "okai, that works." Decided I didn't want to wear the skirt anymore so found my black pants and put those on instead. By this time, I have this intense headache. Don't know why, but it's there. So then... went to the table where all the kids were sitting. It was like when a lot of my family goes out -- there's an adult table and a kid table. So yeah.. anyway... it was like the place was on this mad budget or something, cuz they served us strawberry milk. But then, each of our glasses was filled less than half. What was odd was in the dream I pointed out specifically that it was strawberry milk. ^^;;

And yeah.. those were my three dreams. Anyone wanna analyze them for me? LoL. Very very odd stuff.

My Thoughts
I hate when I change tenses when I write. I think I still do that sometimes.

Wed, Jul. 2nd, 2003, 11:57 am

The Dream
In last night's dream, a bunch of us were at a waterpark. Well, it started off in a screening room.. forgot what we were watching.. and then I left and went outside and it was a waterpark. So I went and rented a jet-ski type thing.. it was more like a ghetto motored.. something.. ^^;; and rode around the water all happy-like. Then I ran into Koji.. who had a duck and a puppy on his little ghetto motored thing.. but the puppy was soaked. So we stopped by a little island thing that they had and I happened to have a towel and so we dried his puppy and the puppy was all happy.. and for some reason the duck was wrapped up in a plastic bag with one leg sticking out and was hopping around and stuff and it didn't like me very much.. but the puppy really liked me. ^_^ Afterwards, I wrapped the puppy up in the towel and gave it back to Koji.. and then I rode off, passing by Mr. and Mrs. Nobori. Then I passed by a boat that was unloading it's passsengers into the water.. but the water wasn't that deep so they all were able to walk to shore. It was one of the attractions. And I rode past and saw Margaret and Virginia and Michelle and I waved at them and Margaret yelled out "Hey! Everyone wave to my friend!".. and I was all embarrassed but I thought that was neat. And by then, I think I woke up. Odd dream.. I don't get it.

My Thoughts
I've had other dreams at this same waterpark. It's like a mash up of all the theme/amusement parks I've been to.

Tue, Jul. 1st, 2003, 10:39 am

The Dream
I had two main dreams last night.. or this morning.. whichever. The first one was kinda long. A bunch of us were with the Thespians.. and Daddy was there making some announcements. We were in the foyer. It was like a dinner theatre or something, in honor of someone. Someone else.. I forgot who.. and I, peeked in through the doors and smelled the really great food. So the two of us ran down into the auditorium, up the stairs and onto the stage. We went through some doors and we were backstage.. everyone was in costume and bustling around. We got pushed around and ignored. We felt they were supposed to be treating us well since we had seniority over them.. for someone we were some of the honored guests.. but they just kinda ran over us. After a while, I stood in one of the wings and looked out onto the stage... "I wanna work with them..." ..and Tammy, who was sitting center stage.. she was looking out into the audience.. started shaking her head. I didn't even get a chance to ask her why not cuz she stood up and took a few steps towards me, saying stuff like "You do a show again? Yeah right.. all you do is get taken care of while the rest of us do all the work. You don't do anything" and stuff like that. She didn't say those exact words.. it's just to my memory, something like that. In my dream, I kinda knew she was joking.. but I started crying... hard... and I ran out, pushed through people in line waiting to get in... and I was crying so hard. Some people actually recognized me and ran to me to see what was going on, but I couldn't say anything. Then Jo-chan got to me.. and he was the most comforting... and I don't remember if he was holding me, but my breathing got a little more steady.. and I was almost able to stop crying. I woke up from that, and my breath was still fluttery as if I was crying.

Eventually, I fell back asleep and I had a dream about choir. We were on this odd field.. was our own.. and we were performing "It's My Life"... yup... we... I was performing with them. But the choreography was a mix between the real choreography and "Disease" choreography. o.0 We performed it a good number of times.. and each time I just stood in for someone that didn't have a partner.. until eventually I wasn't really needed.. and by then I woke up again.

My Thoughts
Just to note, the "Daddy" mentioned here was the drama teacher at the time. It's strange. I know. Don't think too much about it.

Fri, Mar. 28th, 2003, 05:35 pm

The Dream
I had the most bizarre dream last night.. never had one like it before. I was some sort of character.. and Joe was one of my companions. Our mission was to free my father from some wacko scientist guy that was gonna hurt him. We met in a park late at night, and I was dressed dark and in my trench coat. The others were dressed all matrix-y too. LoL. And we ran up a steep hill, coats flying in the wind and from our speed.. and running was actually really easy in this dream. Approached the house quietly.. just snuck up to it and peered into windows to see where my father (who wasn't really my dad.. turned out to be some white guy) was being held captive. Found the room, but the scientist guy wasn't there. He ended up being outside sitting in a tree, watching us.. well... watching me. At first, he looked like Ota-kun. o.0 So being outside.. and with his finally revealing himself.. we stalled him until the police arrived. No one had called them but we knew they were coming. o.0 So then we got into this dramatic conversation of taking me in place of my dad (who wasn't my dad), and I said something along the lines of "..because I know you won't hurt me." In my dream, I had started crying... and the scientist guy changed from Ota-kun to Yu-chan. ^^;; I woke up with that, and I had a strong urge to cry but I wouldn't... or couldn't, even. Very odd. Doesn't mean a thing to me.. makes no sense at all. @.@?

My Thoughts
I usually use nicknames for my friends. It confuses even me, though, because sometimes the nicknames change over time. Amazingly, I understood what I was saying in this entry.

Sat, Dec. 21st, 2002, 09:51 am

The Dream
I had the most wonderful (and kinda painful) dream last night. I was in M-1 with some of the singers around the piano and I was helping them with a song. Then he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He was tired or something, so he was resting his head on my shoulder, and I took his hand and he didn't pull away. Then after singing a little bit more, we had to go. And he kept his arms around me and playfully dragged me to get his stuff. Even if it was a dream, it felt so nice... ::sigh::

My grandpa woke me up though. Blah.
My Thoughts
I think Koji was the only ex that I had such a dream about. Oh, high school love. LoL. Sweet, huh? It's like something out of a shoujo manga.

Sat, Jul. 27th, 2002, 12:53 pm

The Dream
I had a very quick dream last night. There was some kind of reunion.. I think it was for A/S. It was funny at the beginning because I was with two other people dressing up and preparing for it, and they wore these outrageous things... and walking to the restaurant, the two walked ahead of me.. and someone walking behind me asked "Who are they?".. and another person said "I dunno. Divas?" That got me laughing...

Got into the restaurant.. looked like JJ's... and I sat in a booth with people I didn't really know, but I knew them in the dream. Talked and chatted.. and I had a laptop. We ordered our food.. and the restaurant kinda changed... and I ended up sitting with Pochin, Aki, and Godai. I wasn't really hungry and asked if they all wanted to share something. So we ordered a plate of beef chow mein... but when we got our order it was rice... I don't know how... and I guess it was the right order.

But anyway, chatted a bit... and Brad came to the table. Sat with us and ate. The restaurant had switched again, back to the first one. And I sat with my laptop on the table. Signed online and saw that Koji was on. I IMed him and asked why he wasn't there. Brad read it and said that he was, for a little bit. And I got all sad and asked if he looked for me at all. Brad said no. Generally, that was it. Then I woke up... surprisingly, not in tears. I guess they were saved for the previous entry. But yeah.. that was it. Don't know what to make of it.. and don't know why it was Brad... or why Godai was there. o.o? But oh well...

My Thoughts
I wonder who Brad was. Perhaps someone from choir?

Sun, Apr. 21st, 2002, 12:44 pm

The Dream
Had quite the unusual dream last night... or perhaps, this morning. Got home at around 1:00 a.m... slept at around 2:00 a.m. Woke up numerous times throughout my slumber. But anyway, what I remember of the dream was choir was on tour, but I didn't know where we were. In one portion of it, a small group and I were gonna go shopping. Then, somehow, it switched to something and it seemed we were in some sort of game. A creature was chasing after me. I upset it even more somehow and it split into four personalities. Each personality attacked you a certain way, and I was able to get rid of three of them. But the fourth one's attack was backstabbing. It could come from anywhere and just stab you in the back. Or it would throw it's knife at you and it would keep chasing you until it stabbed and killed you. It was quite a frightening dream. In my dream I woke up and tried reassuring myself that it was just a dream. Then my mom really woke me up, and I realized that it all really was a dream. Little blue demonic creatures aren't chasing me, so I'm safe. Really an odd dream though. I also had a recurring one, but I forgot what it was about. I just remember little snippets that aren't really anything. Sometimes I really wonder what sparks certain dreams.

My Thoughts
First dream I posted in DJ. I actually can remember snippets of this dream, even though it happened so long ago. It's funny when you "wake up" in a dream before really waking up. I've done that a good number of times, actually.


For as long as I can remember, my dreams have always been pretty prominent in my life. The earliest dream I can remember clearly was from when I was a child -- a nightmare I had after watching a Chinese scary movie with my parents.

I started writing down my dreams in high school. During that time, I was very interested in the possible meanings behind dreams, and had purchased a few books on dream analysis to accompany my online research. I figured my dreams really were trying to tell me something, otherwise why would they be so vivid and so frequent?

It was nearing the end of high school and beginning college when I began to notice that the world in my dreams stayed fairly consistent. Every time I dreamt I was in a mall, it was the same mall filled with ten times as many escalators than it needed and a maze of stairs, some of which seemed to lead nowhere. Most of the freeways were the same. The houses were usually a mash up of all the houses I've ever lived or been to (cousins', friends', etc). School became a mash up of all the schools I had attended. This mash-up school was usually linked to this crazy mall by the large parking structure overlooking those familiar freeways. At some point, my version was Vegas was added to this dream world. Now every time I dream of a casino, it's usually the same casino that has a large game center on the bottom floor and an awesome movie theater inside. Down the street of this casino is a Chinatown. Bits of Hawaii have recently been added as well.

I never took the time to research if other people maintain a fairly consistent dream world as well, so I feel like it's a pretty strange occurrence.

Most of the time, my dreams are very strange and don't make much sense at all. They're just crazy enough that I want to share them, and laugh and puzzle over them. About 25% of my dreams are fairly easy to figure out as I pinpoint the things that happened in real life that appeared in my dream. A handful of them are nightmares that really trouble me. And fewer still are the ones that I think are trying to tell me something.

In fact, the one I had most recently is what sparked me to start writing about my dreams again. However, before I get into that particular one, I found an old dream journal that I will start to transfer onto this blog. I may also scour through my old deadjournal for dreams as well.

If there actually are any readers out there, I wouldn't mind hearing your views on my crazy dreams. Or I just hope you enjoy this journey into my crazy head.