
Wednesday, August 11, 2010


For as long as I can remember, my dreams have always been pretty prominent in my life. The earliest dream I can remember clearly was from when I was a child -- a nightmare I had after watching a Chinese scary movie with my parents.

I started writing down my dreams in high school. During that time, I was very interested in the possible meanings behind dreams, and had purchased a few books on dream analysis to accompany my online research. I figured my dreams really were trying to tell me something, otherwise why would they be so vivid and so frequent?

It was nearing the end of high school and beginning college when I began to notice that the world in my dreams stayed fairly consistent. Every time I dreamt I was in a mall, it was the same mall filled with ten times as many escalators than it needed and a maze of stairs, some of which seemed to lead nowhere. Most of the freeways were the same. The houses were usually a mash up of all the houses I've ever lived or been to (cousins', friends', etc). School became a mash up of all the schools I had attended. This mash-up school was usually linked to this crazy mall by the large parking structure overlooking those familiar freeways. At some point, my version was Vegas was added to this dream world. Now every time I dream of a casino, it's usually the same casino that has a large game center on the bottom floor and an awesome movie theater inside. Down the street of this casino is a Chinatown. Bits of Hawaii have recently been added as well.

I never took the time to research if other people maintain a fairly consistent dream world as well, so I feel like it's a pretty strange occurrence.

Most of the time, my dreams are very strange and don't make much sense at all. They're just crazy enough that I want to share them, and laugh and puzzle over them. About 25% of my dreams are fairly easy to figure out as I pinpoint the things that happened in real life that appeared in my dream. A handful of them are nightmares that really trouble me. And fewer still are the ones that I think are trying to tell me something.

In fact, the one I had most recently is what sparked me to start writing about my dreams again. However, before I get into that particular one, I found an old dream journal that I will start to transfer onto this blog. I may also scour through my old deadjournal for dreams as well.

If there actually are any readers out there, I wouldn't mind hearing your views on my crazy dreams. Or I just hope you enjoy this journey into my crazy head.

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