
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tue, Jul. 1st, 2003, 10:39 am

The Dream
I had two main dreams last night.. or this morning.. whichever. The first one was kinda long. A bunch of us were with the Thespians.. and Daddy was there making some announcements. We were in the foyer. It was like a dinner theatre or something, in honor of someone. Someone else.. I forgot who.. and I, peeked in through the doors and smelled the really great food. So the two of us ran down into the auditorium, up the stairs and onto the stage. We went through some doors and we were backstage.. everyone was in costume and bustling around. We got pushed around and ignored. We felt they were supposed to be treating us well since we had seniority over them.. for someone we were some of the honored guests.. but they just kinda ran over us. After a while, I stood in one of the wings and looked out onto the stage... "I wanna work with them..." ..and Tammy, who was sitting center stage.. she was looking out into the audience.. started shaking her head. I didn't even get a chance to ask her why not cuz she stood up and took a few steps towards me, saying stuff like "You do a show again? Yeah right.. all you do is get taken care of while the rest of us do all the work. You don't do anything" and stuff like that. She didn't say those exact words.. it's just to my memory, something like that. In my dream, I kinda knew she was joking.. but I started crying... hard... and I ran out, pushed through people in line waiting to get in... and I was crying so hard. Some people actually recognized me and ran to me to see what was going on, but I couldn't say anything. Then Jo-chan got to me.. and he was the most comforting... and I don't remember if he was holding me, but my breathing got a little more steady.. and I was almost able to stop crying. I woke up from that, and my breath was still fluttery as if I was crying.

Eventually, I fell back asleep and I had a dream about choir. We were on this odd field.. was our own.. and we were performing "It's My Life"... yup... we... I was performing with them. But the choreography was a mix between the real choreography and "Disease" choreography. o.0 We performed it a good number of times.. and each time I just stood in for someone that didn't have a partner.. until eventually I wasn't really needed.. and by then I woke up again.

My Thoughts
Just to note, the "Daddy" mentioned here was the drama teacher at the time. It's strange. I know. Don't think too much about it.

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