
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

July 5, 2005

In Real Life
Last night, I got mad at Yubo because he had a cigarette on our way back from the field, and he tried to kiss me. I asked him if he rinsed and he said no, so I refused to kiss him. Then he went out to have another cigarette. So I got my stuff and walked out. He asked me to wait, and he ran into the house to rinse. Then he came back out and I gave him a peck. When he complained, I told him I was annoyed that since I didn't kiss him, he decided to smoke again. His defense was that it was going to be his last cigarette for the night.

The Dream
In my dream, we were at a restaurant like The Boat with Archie and Ivan. I was complaining to them about what happened, and Yubo was embarrassed and upset. I think in my dream I explained it exactly the way it happened.

Then we were at a place that looked like an airport terminal. On the screens they were advertising toothbrushes. One had different bristles on either side, so it was like two different toothbrushes glued back to back. Then they offered each side separately. I tried both, but tested them out while they were still in the package. Even though they scratched my gums and hurt, I still tested them like that.

My Thoughts
Because of my frustrations, I had a lot of dreams about Yubo's smoking. I'm so happy and so proud of him to be smoke-free now.

The toothbrushes remind me of when my sister and I were younger. My parents got us these toothbrushes that looked like Venus fly traps. It enabled us to brush the front and back of our teeth at once. I wonder if those are made anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, they still make those creepy brushes and they're even motorized now.

    PS: I only see them in Asian stores.
