
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sun, Jun. 18th, 2006, 03:36 pm

The Dream
I had a dream that I was trying to do a skin care class with these kids.. like maybe.. 13-16 years old. No, maybe even younger. Probably more 11-13. And then there were some younger kids running around the kitchen. Poor Yubo was getting frustrated with the younger ones because he was on the computer and they were bugging him.

I was doing Satin Hands on them first. There was this boy that kept asking me weird questions. Like, someone he knew had a smaller set of Satin Hands that only cost, like, $13 or something. I was trying to explain to him that maybe it was a Limited Edition item, and so it probably got discontinued already, and that we can't bring it back just because someone out there has one. He finally shut up. We went back to the table in the living room. On the way out, I walked up to Yubo and whispered in his ear "I hate kids" and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He just nodded. Then I went back to join the kids. I was about to start the class, but then I got to talking with the girl closest to me about the little kids in the kitchen. She was saying that one of the younger one was always hanging around this side of the apartments, like he doesn't have any parents, or no one knows where his parents are.

Then I saw this beautiful older girl, maybe somewhere between 16-18, walk past the window. I was wondering who she was. Then the door opened, and she came in with Johnny. In my head, I guess the girl was supposed to be Linda, but it really wasn't. Anyway, Johnny saw me, and he asked me what I was doing here. I gasped, and got up, and hugged him really long. He picked me up a bit, and pressed me against a wall, and we cried in each others shoulders because we missed each other so much.

That's what I woke up from. In my half-awake state, I remember thinking I should apologize to the kids and reschedule the class. And I remember it would've been easier to hang onto Johnny if I wrapped my legs around him, but I thought that might be inappropriate in front of the kids. ^^;;

It was a nice feeling when I woke up. Then I went back to sleep. The dream returned me to the girl I was talking to about the younger kids. I went to visit her house for some reason. I walked into the house on my own, and saw her mom. I bowed to her, and greeted her as "Mrs. Hong-san". o.0 Japanese was spinning in my head, even though I knew they were Chinese. ::shrugs:: She smiled at me, and invited me into the living room, where everyone was. It was a big family. The girl was in the far corner. I remember being a little scared because she had an awkward relationship with her dad, but he didn't make a big fuss or anything. Somewhere in there, I was explaining to them about what I did in MK and that she didn't have to buy anything from me, I was just having her try out the products, and that they're okay for sensitive skin and all that. Though actually.. now that I think on it, I don't remember saying anything. I think I was actually saying everything in my head in case they did ask me. And then I woke up from that.

I had two more dreams today, but I can't exactly remember what they were. Maybe they'll come to me later.

My Thoughts
I think it's funny when I know I had a dream, but can't remember it. It's funnier when I can say that I had a certain number of dreams, even if I don't remember them.

Whispering  to Yubo that I hate kids is very like me. It's actually not that I hate them, but I do get easily annoyed with them. When I'm not annoyed, I'm intimidated. I don't like the idea of possibly being a bad influence on them. So I like kids before or right when they're able to talk. Once they're past that point, I'd rather not have anything to do with them.

I'd only been a MK consultant for two months at this time. Sucks to have to do something so new (run a skin care class) in front of people that intimidate me the most (children).

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