
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tue, Jun. 22nd, 2004, 11:46 am

The Dream
Uh... was at my house on Avondale. A lot of my dreams seem to take place there... when I'm supposed to be at my house. Anyway.. I remember sorta rummaging through the back house/garage. The inside was a little different than it really was, and it was dark. It was sort of a blend between the Avondale house and the apartment in Fullerton. But it was pretty empty. Not much furniture. And yeah.. weird darkness. I think J was there.. just sorta wandering around. Then I was suddenly in my current house.. this one on Moore. My dad was talking on the phone with someone about five cars. He was trying to get all the cars to follow each other without everyone knowing that they were following each other. Like, there was a law that prohibited.. however many cars following each other. I dunno. So he was talking about this... my sister and I trying to help. Like saying that if they allow people to merge between them, it won't be so obvious. But my dad wasn't listening to us. Then I was lying in my bed... and some version of my sister's birth certificate (it was a super simplified version and looked like one of those awards they give you in grade school) was pasted onto the window with moonlight shining through it. So it had this sorta night-like blue effect to it. And I was lying there just looking at it, with my dad still on the phone. Suddenly the lady asks about me. And it flashes to the table and all my info is on the table. I hear my dad say "Yeah, that's my daughter", but when he spells my name for the lady, he spells "F-O-O", even though the name on those papers of mine are Meyloeng... Meyleong? Gah... I don't even know how it's spelled anymore. Anyway.. I go along with it. Then she asks for my ssn. So I freak out and tell my dad not to tell her, but he gives it to her.. but then it's this weird number with a lot of 3's in it. So I sat back and wondered if that really was it, if my dad just messed up, or if he was lying to the lady.

Then I went outside.. and it was still like the Avondale house. I had to re-park the cars. I noticed that we had new people living in the main house, and it sorta mixed dream realities from the first one with J and whoever living in the back house and all the stuff with my dad on the phone. The front park of the back house suddenly had four garage stalls for cars. All of them were filled. I was awkwardly parked in front of one of them.

So I move the car. And I'm outside the gate.. and these two Chinese ladies are bugging me, trying to be all friendly-like. I manage to get rid of one of them, but the second one is following me around. I already parked my car, and I was heading over to the truck to re-park it. So she's following me to the truck, and she's got her arm around my shoulders trying to be like best buds with me, even though she's this older lady.. and I threaten her with my dagger. She doesn't back off, so I actually prick her arm. And she starts bleeding a little, and I finally get to the truck and I get it. She's waiting on the other side for me to unlock the door for her. I was totally gonna just drive off and have her just walk back to the house, but I ended up leaning over and unlocking the door, thinking to myself that I'm too nice.

And that was the dream. Thank you for reading. Haha. Later.

My Thoughts
Meyloeng (pronounced mei-lung), which is how we spell it, is my Chinese name. In Mandarin, it would be Meiling. It means "pretty bell." The dagger that I mention is a very small dagger that I used to wear as a pendant. It was actually slightly sharpened and would cut. I stole it from a friend, and I still have it. Hahaha.

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