
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mon, Jun. 21st, 2004, 12:20 pm

The Dream
I was at this mall structure that's always the mall when I'm at the mall in my dreams. I was browsing around this fob store looking at all the cute stuff, like penguins and monkeys. Leaving the store, I had these two drinks that were sorta like the Orangena bottles.. I dunno if that's how it's spelled... and some food stuff. I walked over to this booth and set the food and drinks down. Then I sorta wandered a few steps away, just to look at things.. and there was this guy and his kid.. and they were joking around and stuff. Then the guy goes up to my stuff, picks up one of the bottles, and throws it against a wall behind the booth's worker people. So then I freak out. One, cuz it was my drink, and two, cuz he couldn't hurt someone. So I'm yelling at him and cussing at him (like, REALLY cussing at him) and hitting him but my hits are way weak. So then a crowd has formed by now. I'm making sure to make a HUGE scene. And he's yelling back at me that he's Japanese, and somehow that's supposed to make it better, so I ask a couple of things in Japanese to see if he can really speak it... but when he turns to his kid to talk to him he's speaking Cambodian. Then I sentence him to a punishment, like I actually have the power to do so. I say that first he has to go apologize to the girls behind the booth, and then... there was another thing.. and then he had to go lay down in the spillage.. which for some reason now was urine... and for some reason now I want to punish him because he peed on the booth. This is implied because one of my friends offers the punishment of being peed on. o.0

Anyway, so this is going on. Suddenly, instead of the man taking the punishment, it's my grandma. So she's walking around to the back of the booth to apologize, and I'm nodding at my dad that I'll make sure she does it. So when I go back to where she went, she's being yelled at by the worker people, who happen to be members of my family. They were, like, random aunts and stuff. So I run over to her, and before I get there, one of them smashes a glass thing on my grandma. So I get there and I'm yelling at them and cussing at them and asking why they were being all violent with her. Then I take her over to sit in a chair, asking in Cantonese if she's okai and if it hurts, and telling her to sit down. And it wasn't like I was suddenly fluent in Cantonese. I was speaking all awkward like I usually do, saying only what I know.

And then I woke up.
My Thoughts 
Goodness gracious! What kind of dream is this?? But it seems that people keep turning into other people in my dreams. Strange. I've had dreams where I was suddenly fluent in Cantonese, and then I wake up all disappointed to the reality.

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