
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wed, Dec. 31st, 2003, 01:03 pm

The Dream
First one: A bunch of people working at a conveyer belt picking up and dropping utensils to scoop up and scrape off... flour? And I was one of them. And everyone was upset about the work. On the belt there were lots and lots of different tools. Some were like spatulas and others were like spoons or oddly shaped... bowls, I guess? I dunno how to describe it.

Second one: In a room with my dad and my youngest aunt. A few lines of chairs, and a podium or something in front. It was like a mini court room, and we were supposed to be the jury. Never got around to the case.. but yeah... jury-ness.

Third one: On the freeway. Lots of cars. It's packed. Then for whatever reason, an ad for this new way to travel during rush hour. By raft... on this raging river. More like an attraction or a ride.

Fourth one: At Ynez. At first, I'm just standing there... sorta just there. Then I see Koji. Asked me what I'm doing. I say nothing. Then suggests we go to Gamers store (that's an actual store in the dream) to kill some time. So I say yes, and he's all happy. Then we see Mi-chan who's heading this fundraiser thing... so she's got this big box of stuff to sell. She comes down to us, and [weird part] Koji comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. First it was like a hug, like, "Yay, you're gonna take me to Gamers." Then he just stayed there... like... holding me. And it wasn't anything too special, but in the dream I was like "Wow, I missed this." or something. Ah... anyway... so I decided to help Mi-chan out and buy something from her. Looked in the box and it was a few food stuff and medicine. So I decided to buy some... um... what looked like pretzel sticks. So she said, okai, and sent Taji to go get a box. But when he came back, it was the wrong thing. So Mi-chan got all mad at him. Then I went to go look for the right box... looking at bar codes and what not. For whatever reason, I was looking through different types of Ny-Quil. o.0 And there was this quiet kid sitting there, and he later ended up helping me search through all the stuff. He asked me, "So what jc are you going to?" And I replied, "Oh.. I go to Cal State Fullerton," and that was all we said to each other. Kept calling back to Mi-chan wondering what the code letters on the box were. Was, like... hmm... can't remember now. It had an L in it though. ::shrugs:: Anyway, yeah. So that was basically that dream.

My Thoughts
There are many times when I write about multiple dreams. It's because I wake up and go back to sleep several times, and each time I have a dream. Most of the time they're all separate dreams, like in these last two entries. Other times the dream will actually continue.

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