
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thu, Jun. 29th, 2006, 03:24 pm

The Dream
I had two of them.

1. I was at a random cluster of houses. Archie drove up. She went towards the door, but I was over by the garage, which for whatever reason was really far from the front door. I called to her, but she didn't hear me. Finally, she walked back from the door and saw me. I brought out the color palette of eyeshadows for her. She said she didn't think they were gonna be regular powder ones. Said she liked the creamy liquid ones better. I told her something like, if you add water to it before you apply it, it gives it a similar consistency. She shrugged and said she'd try it out. I asked her not to use to much of what was there because it's what I use to show my customers or something. Close-up of her eyes and the colors she was applying. A kind of dark gold color to accent a brown she put on first.

Then I walked off to look for the Eyescicles colors that I had. I think those actually have that creaminess to them. There are four colors, and they were all mixed in with some lipsticks that I hadn't organized yet. Then, J was holding me from behind and wouldn't let go. I was still trying to find all the colors. Then I heard Yubo walk up. I heard him say that he was gonna hug me but I had a J on my back. ^^;; I managed to pull J off me, and then Yubo hugged me from behind. *ack*, I said, because it was difficult for me to find stuff while he was hanging on me. J, for some reason, stayed right next to us even though Yubo was there. I was frustrated because I found three colors, and couldn't find that last one. So Yubo tried to help me look for it.

That's all I remember of that one.

2. I was in and out of my body. Sometimes I saw from outside what was going on, and other times, I was right in the situation. It was like an anime or a video game. And the me in this dream isn't really me. Doesn't look like me or anything. I'll describe later.

I watched myself run down a hall. It was kinda dark and a little narrow. Along the walls were etchings... pictures carved in for decoration. But as I walked past, they would glow white and come out of the wall to attack me. I fought. I had a spear of some sort. Kinda like a Chinese staff spear.. but the end was flat and blunt on top, and the bottom was rounded where it was sharp. I wish I had a scanner so I could draw it and upload pictures.. @.@;; I'm so bad at describing things.

Anyway.. I finally decided to sprint to the end of the hall and try to fight them all at once. There was a room at the end of the hall. If you were standing in the doorway facing forward, the wall in front was like a bit altar display thing. And the whole room was red. Then I turned the corner to my left, and on the wall in front of me was a button that I hit with the bottom of the staff. This caused the altar to blaze up, and most of my pursuers got caught in the fire.

There was another passageway to my left. It was all dark and black. I ran down it, and along the wall on my right were door flaps. It was like a haunted fun house type thing. If you went into an open flap, when you closed it behind you, it made the wall look solid. Then there was a little room that you could wait in and look through a peek hole, so you could jump out and scare people. Or whatever. So I ran into one to hide, but it didn't close right behind me. So a guy ran in after me, and I hit him and ran out. I ran further down the way and there was a door on my right that opened up to a huge room. It looked like a theater. The seats went down on a slope, and ended at a big clearing of floor. There was a huge round bed at the far wall. So I ran into the room, running on the tops of the chairs (all Chinese-movie-ish). At the end, I flipped and landed on my back on the bed, and I held out the spear towards the audience (where the seats were) in a pose. I gripped the staff with my left hand, and my right held the spear part up, palm up. The people that were chasing me looked shocked, then actually started to sit in the seats.

The lights dropped, and I didn't have my spear anymore. There were two of my maids on their knees on either side of me on the bed thing, and everyone in the audience was going to hear my story.

A voice spoke out over the speakers, and the maids and I acted out silently the scene. We were all cast in blue light. I stayed lying on my back, and as the story told, I was pleading with one of the maids to let me stay here. To change my name and start a new life here. Finally, she nodded that it would be okai. I gripped her hands in mine, brought one to my face to show my gratitude. And she brought our hands back to her, and she kissed the spot where my thumb meets the rest of my hand. Then they were gone and I was alone on the bed. Overhead lights came on to illuminate a screen, where my new name was displayed. It looked like the start screen of a game. But the words on the screen said "Phantom Dome", but I think it was actually spelled "Phantoame Doame".

Lights at the foot of the bed came on. It showed an elf-like male, and a female that I guess was supposed to be me. I watched the scene quietly, and even when I closed my eyes, I saw it clearly. In the light, you saw that our skin was bluish. He was a darker blue than I was. Actually, I was an extremely pale blue... as if you'd only see the blue in the right light, or when I turned. We were king and queen of a world. I was telling him that I was bored, and that I wanted to leave somewhere. He said something like "Too bad. You know I am not in health for that." He still looked strong, but his health was actually waning. I stood up, a little angry.. and I saw from the bed what I actually looked like. I was tall, and very slender. Had really long, dark blue hair. And I was naked, with only a collar-type thing draped over my shoulders. And at first I had these HUUUGE hentai-ish boobs. But then it turned out that they were actually weird creatures from our world. When I stood, they slipped back, and my boobs were better proportioned to my body. Probably a full B-cup, maybe. (ah.. I wish that was true irl ;.;)

I think I was about to hit him, but something came flying out of the curtains and hit me in the face. Only then did you realize I was wearing a mask. A piece of it chipped and fell to the floor, revealing a portion of my right eye. I jumped away from him. I ran, and there was a railing or something that I grabbed and used to flip me up into the air, and I threw a spell at him while I was in the air. He blocked it, and flung a ball of energy or something at me. I dodged it, and when I landed, he finished casting another spell. I guess he was strong enough to be able to cast two spells at once. This spell that he finished caused a huge tsunami kind of thing to rush towards me, but I had enough time to throw up a barrier.

Yubo called and woke me up before the thing hit me.

My Thoughts
Hooray for copy/paste! I would not have wanted to re-type all of that.

Funny thing is that Archie actually really hates cream eye shadows and prefers regular powder ones.

I probably didn't draw the spear because this was typed out instead of being written down. If I wrote it in my journal, I would've drawn it like I did the koala escape plan, the slide and jungle rings, and the bra. I really am bad at describing things though. I would prefer to draw it out whenever possible. My typical response to when someone asks me to describe something is, "I can draw it for you."

Ended in such an epic dream though, right? So excited! Like a movie! What's with me and blue??

I had another dream in a similar movie theater kind of place. It involved pirates or something, and acting to make the audience think it was a play when it was actually a real threat. I mention it now in case I didn't write it down anywhere. Couldn't say any details, only that I re-dreamt this theater.

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