
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mon, Jun. 14th, 2004, 11:31 am

The Dream
I actually had a few. Let's see if I remember. For a bit of a dream, I was doing the crunch workout I was supposed to start at the beginning of this month. That was sorta weird to dream about it. I think I was sort of leading a big class of people, but at the same time, I didn't know that they were following me.

There was another dream but I forgot it.

This recent one that I just woke up with was weird. I was sleeping in a bed.. it was all dark. There were plans to go to this haunted house. I'm lying there remembering how we got the invitation. My sister had forwarded it to me, along with an apology for it. And she said that you go through it and you think you die, but a screen will pop up asking you to save, and we're supposed to click 'yes'. I asked her if I should tell my parents about it too, and she said yes. I never got around to telling them.

We got to the place. It was your typical haunted house type. Crooked, creeky, metal gate. Misty barren yard. Big BIG greyish-white house. Greyish-white cuz of the mist. We walk in with a bunch of other people. Oddly, some are dressed as maids and butlers and stuff. So we walk down a bunch of halls, and the pictures and paintings are singing, telling us a story. I zone out near the end cuz it's getting boring for me, and I'm not very scared. Sitting next to my mom wondering if she's understanding any of it. And then I wake up. Nothing really special.

I wish I remembered the other dream. There might have been something significant in it. ::sigh:: Oh well.

My Thoughts 
LoL. I'm still always bothered when I know I had a dream but can't remember it. And it's still a feeling of, "What if there was something important about it?"

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