
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

July 11, 2005

The Dream
Another dream about tour. A lot of us forgot our show choir clothes and we were about to perform soon. None of us had cars, so I asked Tare if he could take me. He said yeah, and for some reason Yubo was there too. When we got to the hotel, I ran in and grabbed my stuff from my room. Then someone, I forgot who, came in and said both Tare and Yubo left. I ran out of the room and suddenly it was the Moore house. I asked my dad if he could take me back. He said he was too busy. For some reason Antonio was there, and he said he could take me. I got there and was dressed, but I thought, "I'm the choreographer. Why am I dressed?" I shrugged it off because Mr.A was in a vest.

Then I was in line at the market with my sister and Aunt Cindy. We were looking at lighters. On one of them, the top just popped up and lit. It was dangerous, so I got a different one. I can't remember what it was like though. Then it was like Rite Aid, and I wanted ice cream. The lady was all old and sorta scary-looking. There was a boy ahead of me that was asking for some flavor in a cone. The lady grabbed a cone and tried shaking something out of it. She looked in it, then squeezed out some ice cream that was already in it. The cone didn't break. Then she looked up at the boy and asked what flavor he wanted again. We looked at each other all grossed out, and he left. I looked back towards my sister and Aunt Cindy, and noticed that the guy at the register was Bruce.

My Thoughts
Bruce was my teacher for costumes.

I also have a lot of dreams about choir tour. You'll probably see that in later entries. When I say Mr.A (the choir director) was in a vest, that means he was in a sequined vest like the boys wear on stage. So I was in a show choir dress, sequins and all. At this time, I was already out of high school and done with show choir for about 3 years, but I stayed as a choreographer and went on tour as a chaperone. I suppose show choir was the big highlight of my high school life, so it's understandable to have so many dreams about it. I still miss it, 8 years later.

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